Current Myth Projects String - Please List What your Working On 4 myth

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Post by Grayswandir »

Working on:
Alric Dreams of Electric Sheep - The 4th Marathon Unit Conversion
Planned features (hopefully they'll all get in there...):
-Marathon Infinity units
-Vidmaster mode
-BOBs will start killing your Marine if you kill too many of them
-Some of those silly Marathon level names (Yes, I'm renaming the normal levels...because I can...)
-Marathon-esque interface
-Inventory system for insane mutliplayer deathmatch battles

The Great Fish (redux)
-The Shiver level redone in the eye's of a retard...
-[no-stars] Say's Ebert and Roper!!!
-Expect continued redone levels if player's like this one...
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CWR- the epic scale version underway

Post by Point »


Epic mini myth style... for full battlefield control
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Post by Grayswandir »

Someone should make a plugin where you can knock over walls and tree's onto another players units...crushing them in the process of course...
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Post by carlinho »

damn Point, those maps look incredible!!!!
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Post by Eddaweaver »

If this plugin had come out in 1999, Bungie would've sold at least another 50,000 copies of Myth 2.

Are there normal as well as mini sized units?

Btw the TFL models for houses and barns are quite good compared to the M2 models, if you want some variation.
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yes both epic and regular scale...

Post by Point »

the epic scale version was inspired by phex.. and his unreleased epic version 2 is also incorporated into the tagset...along with the cwr maps and units... its mini myth at its finest... the regular scale incorporates 1.6 features with all the other b&g and civil war tagsets a group of new maps and of course all the new cwr units. all set to b32 so other tagsets can easily replace setups on the maps... ie you can replay gettysburg as Art of Myth Charlies Point Redux and in the future Warfare Axis Vs Allies.
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Post by vinylrake »

I was thinking of getting back to an old project but would need some assistance from some scripters and unit experts.

so anyone want to help out on my epic solo campaign of Scooby Doo vs. KISS?
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Post by Lugas »

Update- Today was a good day, as I finshed a map that had very little scripting. (at the start of the day there was no scripting but now I've finshed!)
That's 3/9 maps finished! :P
Click on the picture below for my Myth 2 scenario.
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so when do we finish all this stuff....

Post by Point »

:) life gets busy so when do we all make the time and finish this stuff... for myth 1.6 and the tenth year of myth....
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Post by Pyro »

I've been working on Shiver's Turn for the past few weeks now. Some testers asked why I didn't add Balor and The Watcher into the multiplayer map.. so I decided why not. It is now an 8-team map. Right now that map is called Heroes vs Heroes which is not a great title for a map with more than two teams so I need opinions. I'm thinking one of these for the Heroes map:

When Heroes Battle
When Legends Battle
When Champions Battle
Best of the Best
Legendary Battles
Legendary Heroes
Mythical Battles
All Heroes Die
Clash of the Best
Clash of the Idols
Clashing of Heroes
Collision of the Elite

And "If I Had a Clone..." map might be called this instead which is a better name:
If I Had an Evil Twin...

I'm also going to make a light vs dark version of the clone map... maybe I'll call it one of these:

Heroes vs Elites
Equal but Opposite Forces
Opposites Attract... Chaos

Any thoughts?

The current release is Shiver's Turn rc6b but rc7 will have the new colormap for the heroes map as well as a ton of changes and additions. ST rc7 will be the last release before the final version. (In theory at least.)
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Post by Lugas »

How about something like "How Legends Face Their Demise"?
I'd like something like the above or "When Legends Battle".
The Light vs Dark version of the clone map could be called "Heroes vs Fallen" or something like that.
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Post by Phex »

Five Kingoms v2.0

EDIT: finished.
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Post by Pyro »

Ok for Shiver's Turn I have decided on the map names:

Shiver's Turn (the solo map)
When Legends Battle (8 teams of 6 hero units each)
When Opposites Attract (2 teams of 24 hero units each - dark vs light)
If Legends Had Twins (2 teams of 48 hero units each - dark and light on both)

The difficulty setting for the multiplayer maps do the following:

Timid------- No Wights
Simple----- Ambient Wights
Normal----- Random Wight Attacks
Heroic------ Often Random Wight Attacks
Legendary- More Often Random Wight Attacks

I placed ambient wights that wander about. They don't show up on the overhead and are not auto-targeted. They are constantly regenerating health. If you hit them they sometimes "bleed" sats, dispersal orbs, arrow ammo (which is for bows, arcs, and souls), roots, and unlit signal flares. The dwarf/ghol/bre'Unor can pick up the orbs, roots, and even the unlit flares and throw them just like ghols do. When wights die they drop 3 lit signal flares. In Normal the script grabs a random one every 30 seconds and makes it attack. In Heroic its every 15 and in Legendary its 7.5 seconds. Also in Leg, when there is only one minute remaining... any and all wights still alive are told to attack the nearest targets. Which will make it interesting for any "Sudden Death" situations. Sometimes you get paranoid about some wights... they look like they are going to target you but they are just walking by. The wights do not target each other nor the hunted units nor any stampede unit. But they do target your assasin unit... but its a trow so it can take it.

Soulblighter has a "Blight" special attack. Murgen has a "Pseudo Dream". Balor and The Watcher still have their special attacks but are significantly weaker for balance both them and their special attacks. The Deceiver will now have teleportation on all game types. It won't use an artifact like in rc6b. You will ctrl click on the ground to activate teleporation. This way your special attack is still Confusion. The Warlock Hero will have its special attack without the artifact as well, but can use Ring of Fire if it ctrl clicks the ground near it or if the target unit is in melee range.

I have fixed all the known bugs and have yet to find anymore on my own testing. Soon I will release rc7 for final testing. I will be making a HTML unit guide for the final version to have.
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Post by gugusm »

Ok, maybe it's not a great progress, but I've made (it mainly means scipted) 6/14 maps already in my project.

I think I didn't wrote this, so I'm doing it now:
The story is placed about four years after Soulblighter's death. Emperor Alric began to rebuilding destroyed cities after the war. But then new foe appeared. It's Sardonac, who was raised from death by two powerful Fetches. Then he promised them home-coming in exchange for help in fight with Alric. Sardonac wants to revenge, because he sacrificed his own life 1000 years ago for Empire and its citizens have left him in dirt and rot. And when he felt that the Ibis crown was taken by the people, his gloomy thoughts started to call other beings for help. And then those Fetches showed up. And the show begins...

Sardonac will be the Shade. I know it isn't original, but I think this campaign can be really nice. I want to name it "The Third Pledge", because Balor and Soulblighter were promising the same thing already and they failed.
Last edited by gugusm on Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Khadrelt »

I always did feel that the Fetch got the shaft a lot...

Of course, my weakly budding sympathy never survives once I see my favorite Zerk blasted into little smoking black chunks.
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