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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:45 pm
by ozone
mythhitler wrote:Everyone jumps to such conclusions... it's amazing really. Such a flaw in your earthlings. React expecting the worst and completely overlook the salvation that could easily be at hand.

Fear not chicken littles, redemption is at hand. What may appear as the sky falling could simply be that your world is quickly rising upwards to the level that the saviors have determined it deserves to be.

From what I hear someone has control of everything. Domain name. Server. The Mill. An old care-taker rising from the ashes to once again wield the reins of a community dearly in need of guidance?

It's a shame really. The state of things. People should have been better guardians of the empire. So much work to do.

Such a mess....

Such a mess....
Hi clem.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:07 pm
by Anthson
I love how he doesn't have the human decency to link to Marius.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by Lugas
"I'm sorry? WTF? Link to what? Marius? Never heard of it! lol"

That's probably what some people will say thanks to the situation Anthson has described.


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:20 pm
by Doobie
Lugas wrote:"I'm sorry? WTF? Link to what? Marius? Never heard of it! lol"

That's probably what some people will say thanks to the situation Anthson has described.

You guys didn't really think he would link to mnet did you?

That would indicate he actually cared about the community which we know to be false.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:49 pm
by Lugas
No. But who did?

I really don't want to see anything like the comment I impersonated.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:53 pm
by Doobie
I posted a comment on his ellusive mind news post with a genuine thanks for all his work, and a link to mnet

not only did he not post it, he has silently banned me from his website. It appears to be "down for maintenance" for me and nobody else.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:06 pm
by Lugas
I do believe you when you say you posted a comment with thanks to Blades and a link to MariusNet, but I'm not seeing it anywhere.

Take a wild guess.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:08 pm
by Khadrelt
Doobie wrote:I posted a comment on his ellusive mind news post with a genuine thanks for all his work, and a link to mnet

not only did he not post it, he has silently banned me from his website. It appears to be "down for maintenance" for me and nobody else.
But why? That's not just 'not caring' about the community, that's actively hating it.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:20 pm
by Doobie
Khadrelt wrote:
Doobie wrote:I posted a comment on his ellusive mind news post with a genuine thanks for all his work, and a link to mnet

not only did he not post it, he has silently banned me from his website. It appears to be "down for maintenance" for me and nobody else.
But why? That's not just 'not caring' about the community, that's actively hating it.
are you surprised?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:08 pm
by Conner
Khadrelt wrote:
Doobie wrote:I posted a comment on his ellusive mind news post with a genuine thanks for all his work, and a link to mnet

not only did he not post it, he has silently banned me from his website. It appears to be "down for maintenance" for me and nobody else.
But why? That's not just 'not caring' about the community, that's actively hating it.
first, let me say that I never used PlayMyth - I know that many people used it and had a lot of fun there, for those people, PlayMyth provided a need and they should be thankful that it was there. I did have quite a bit interaction with Blades, and from those interactions, that reaction to Doobie in not surprising in the least.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:15 pm
by Amadeus
Khadrelt wrote:
Doobie wrote:I posted a comment on his ellusive mind news post with a genuine thanks for all his work, and a link to mnet

not only did he not post it, he has silently banned me from his website. It appears to be "down for maintenance" for me and nobody else.
But why? That's not just 'not caring' about the community, that's actively hating it.
No, thats actually actively hating Doobie, and for good reason. I'd like to believe that was a genuine thank, but I am unable - as was likely he.

Sorry for that, but I can't see past the impression you've made.

As for everyone else, I also am sure he'll never be here again, so thanking him here is a bit silly. Next time I talk to him I'll pass it on.

That said, it is likely that he doesn't care about the Myth community anymore. Thats hardly a sin, especially after having not enjoyed Myth for a good 5 years and being pissed and shit on since then and before then.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:13 pm
by Orlando the Axe
Amadeus wrote: That said, it is likely that he doesn't care about the Myth community anymore. Thats hardly a sin, especially after having not enjoyed Myth for a good 5 years and being pissed and shit on since then and before then.
If that is the case then why did he keep running the server for 5 years? Or pass ownership over to tiger who offered to purchase it for thousands of dollars? I'm grateful for what Blades has done in keeping the server running for so long as well as his work on Myth 3.
That being said, just because someone is providing a free service or did something good means that anyone owes him anything. People had a right to complain if they didn't like things... and he had a right to shut the server down, ban people, censor them, whatever he wanted because he was in charge. He certainly didn't owe the community anything.
If he didn't enjoy running, then, for his own sake he shouldn't keep doing it... especially since there is another server available. I honestly hope that his life is more enjoyable without having to worry about running the server, hopefully everyone can move on from here and put all the drama behind us.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:31 pm
by ozone
Slipknot sucks anyway.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:31 pm
by Death's Avatar

Anybody got a copy of what Blades posted on FF before he zapped it?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:36 pm
by vinylrake
Orlando the Axe wrote:
Amadeus wrote: That said, it is likely that he doesn't care about the Myth community anymore. Thats hardly a sin, especially after having not enjoyed Myth for a good 5 years and being pissed and shit on since then and before then.
That being said, just because someone is providing a free service or did something good means that anyone owes him anything. People had a right to complain if they didn't like things... and he had a right to shut the server down, ban people, censor them, whatever he wanted because he was in charge. He certainly didn't owe the community anything.
I think the flip side isn't quite true. e.g. While true that technically no one _owes_ a myth game server coder/site maintainer/etc anything since the person is providing the service to the community for free - common courtesy dictates that people should put a little effort into treating someone who is GIVING THEM SOMETHING FOR FREE with at least a _little_ respect and not be total 28-days-later raving lunatics (i.e. aholes) whenever something happens they disagree with or the world doesn't give them exactly what they want. I think if people USE something that someone else GIVES to them, something that costs time, effort and money, that the person using the site/server/resource does owe the creator/maintainer gratitude, and I would hope at least a little respect.

It's not unique to the Myth community, but there were really a lot of petty grudges and feuds and rude behavior all around back in the day. While there was enough blame to go around on all sides, an awful lot of the whining and complaining and personal attacks could have been avoided if people hadn't take playmyth or the mill or or _____ (fill in the blanks) for granted and act like it was their god given _right_ to have whatever it was they wanted.

So, here's to a new chapter in the myth community. I wish Blades well (I told him so on his site) in his future life, and I am grateful that mariusnet is alive and functioning and we have a responsive site/server host (ppe) who is interested in myth and the community.

long live myth!