Current Myth Projects String - Please List What your Working On 4 myth

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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Post by Pyro »

Well Shiver's Turn rc7 is ready to be downloaded at the udogs hotline under Pyro's Uploads. Seems there are 3 bugs. One is a water issue. In a certain area the water is deeper than it should be. Normal units go underwater which should not. Second bug is that somehow the destroyable walls are no longer destroyable. Both of those are minor stuff. The third bug has caused Myth to crash. It must be in the script, but it never makes me crash. The other person playing with me crashed when the Thrall Elite picked up its special attack. I have to see if he was using the latest 1.6 beta and whatever else may help.
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Post by A-Red »

Also see if he was using a PC or Mac--most crashes only happen for one or the other.
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Post by Pyro »

Ok I updated ST to rc7a. Zeph seems to be the only one to crash. He crashed in a plugin Souly made too and was also the only one to do that.

Changes in ST from rc7 to rc7a:

Areas of deep water that allowed units to go underwater will no longer do it.
Walls are destroyable in their weak spot once again.
Rabican's dying body and pieces are now the same size as him instead of bigger.
When Murgen copies The Watcher, the copy will not turn to stone when close to death anymore.
The Ghol Elite will not die from Dark Healing now.
The percent values of The Watcher, Balor, Murgen, and Rabican have been adjusted.
Shiver is now as slow as she is in the Shiver's Turn solo map.
Shiver's death now has a second more of delay than before.
Warrior Heroes and Thrall Elites are now a little faster.
Thrall Elite are now invisible on the overhead, have more health, and are slightly tougher.
The Watcher's undead units will now regenerate health constantly just as the journeymen and wights already did.
At the start of the game a message will appear letting you know what difficulty setting the multiplayer map is on.
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So When do we finish all this stuff....

Post by Point »

We should set a day or weekend to all just cram and get these projects finished up....

Carlino your in my neck of the woods... and a few others... we should meet up one day and brainstorm these projects to completion.

Im in San diego if anyone else is near chime in...

Still on my hardrive....

AOM-art of myth
CPR- Charlies Point Reloaded
wAvA- Warfare axis vs allies
CWR- Civil War Reloaded
CWE- Civil War Epic
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Post by Lugas »

Anything else, people?
Click on the picture below for my Myth 2 scenario.
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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

I'm working on how to insult everyone in the community.

1. I find faults with recent builds and make programmers hate me
2. I find faults with their maps and make map-makers hate me.
3. I hateplay people that come within 2 screen lengths of my units so they hate me
4. I make the admins hate me so they ban me (coming soon!)
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Post by Khadrelt »

I've been working on a map for some time now. It's actually just a funky idea I had for a unique twist in gameplay, but I've never been able to really get it to work the way I wanted.

There's that famous line - 'for every one we killed, two took its place...' In this map, that's actually true. Every enemy you kill spawns two others. Or at least that was the idea...

At any rate, it's not really very playable at the moment, but with my current scripting skills I'm pretty much stuck. If anyone wants to take a look at it and see if the idea could ever actually be implimented in a good map, I think I'm going to upload the beta to The Tain soon.
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Post by gugusm »

Well, I'm working on a map for Power of Ten contest. Nothing special I think and I only made c-map at this moment, but maybe someone will have some fun while playing it.
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My latest myth project... a myth movie...

Post by Point » ... review.wmv

um some of the footage will be replaced... but heres a myth for april.
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Post by t o x y n »

I have little side-project (that is, aside from me doing web work for Ren/Ooga's project) that I've been playing around with for a while. I started to really take it seriously a few weeks ago and I've been spending time on it here and there. There is more than one goal with this project, but I'm looking to release a simple one level beta next month to get some feedback on what I've been working on. In the end, I'd like this to be both a solo/coop and 2-team multiplayer plugin. The idea is to bring a new gametype to Myth multi team games and also be able to play coop with others against the computer (scripted units on same maps). Biggest factors I want to grasp: fun, fast-paced, and challenging. If I can get everything to work out as planned, I feel pretty confident that people will def get a kick out of playing it.
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Post by t o x y n »

by later this month, I meant April. Close enough =P
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Fury IX
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Post by Fury IX »

I have done some work with TZ on a HeroQuest coop map. HeroQuest was an old milton bradley board game from ~1989. We really need help from anyone who wants to get involved and pitch in. We have a mesh, but the scenery could use some work and any ideas about how to make it more like the board game would really help.

Heres a few posts from MA forum that kind of show what we have so far, but we want to change it to be more like the board game.


1) Disarm Trap Kit
2) Disarm Treasure Chest
3) Battle Axe
4) Flame Axe
5) Thunder Axe

For the Dwarf: Starts with a broad-axe and a disarm trap spell. He can collect treasure and gold using this mana based T special, and make hidden mine and statue traps visible, but sometimes it attracts monsters as well. Later in the level, the dwarf can find a Battle axe, which is more powerful then the broad axe. Also, he can find a flame axe, which uses charges to inflict massive fire damage. If he collects enough gold, he can buy a Thunder axe from the hidden shop, which is kind of like balmung with charges. The thunder axe and the fire axe would be really heavy and weigh him down unless he has a certain level of kill vet.

Only the dwarf can open the old fragile treasure chests. If any other unit tries, the chests will collapse and ruin all contents. But the dwarf can walk up close, and cast green fire near a chest to stabilize it. He then gingerly attempts to extract its contents (swings his axe...).


1) Beserk
2) Detonator ball
3) Beer throw
4) Spear throw
5) Cleaver throw
6) Club throw
7) Place Satchel Charge

For the Beserk: Starts with longsword and beserk rage. He can be enchanted by the magic users easiest. He can't collect any powerups himself, he must be enchanted. Some enchantments can include: stoneskin, poison cloak, haste (mb), and invisbility. When not enchanted, he can pick up and use/carry many items laying around the dungeon, like flaming bottles, satchels, spears, keys, artifacts, body parts, etc.


1) Fireball 1 (normal fireball)
2) Heal (always I0 and I1)
1) Poison Cloud (common)
2) Poison Cloak (rare)
3) Bat Attractor (very rare)
4) Revive dead ally
1) Blade Squeeze (common)
2) Lightning (common)
3) Stall (rare)
4) Wind Tower (very rare)
1) Fireball 2 (rapid fire weak) (common)
2) Red Flame Ring (rare)
3) Fireball 3 (rapid fire powerful)(very rare)

For the Wizard: I think he should get a standard mana based fireball attack like normal warlock, and instead of confusion he gets a mana based heal (maybe 25%). This is his I0 and I1 inventory. Along the trail he will often find various charged scrolls that can alter his T attack.


1) Razor Arrows
2) Blunt Arrows
3) Poison arrows
4) Heal
5) Flame Arrows
6) Disapear

For the Elf: I really would rather use the elf arc then the elf warrior, but in doing a very small amt of research the warrior is like a dead ringer from the game... But that elf arc is so cool... She could start out with her poison dagger and her short bow, as well as the water spells, not given to the wizard. She can disapear into the shadows (like DnA...), sleep cloud (stun), and water of healing. She would use no mana, but charges. Along the road she could find spell charges, a long bow, poison arrows, blunt arrows, razor arrows, and buy explosive arrows.

1) Many: small magic mine traps; do small amt of dmg, but can pile up and become deadly
2) Rare: Pit trap; Arrows burst from ground and do a good amt of dmg
3) Rare: Falling beer; lit bottle falls from above
5) Very Rare: Concentrated rock fall; Large amt of dmg in small area
6) VeryRare: Scattered rockfall; Small dmg large area
7) Very Rare: Whirlwinds; dont last as long as the old ones but very deadly
Very old C-map: ... sCmap2.gif

Most recent beta (not scripted):

Edit: UPDATED 4/11/07
point and laugh
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Post by point and laugh »

Well, I've decided that an accurate Vietnam mod for Myth is way too impractical, so I'm currently working on a US-Soviet based war. My idea so far is to start out with something simple like recreating Red Alert, and then I'll probably do something based off of Red Storm Rising.
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Cobalt 7
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Post by Cobalt 7 »

point and laugh wrote:Well, I've decided that an accurate Vietnam mod for Myth is way too impractical, so I'm currently working on a US-Soviet based war. My idea so far is to start out with something simple like recreating Red Alert, and then I'll probably do something based off of Red Storm Rising.
What were the problems you faced? Units, scripting?

Also, good luck with your Red Alert style'd plug. It would be fun to see a plug in that spiritual successor style with a emphasis on unit combat.
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Post by Zeph »

maybe you should finish AoM and Civilwar before starting a new one :)
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