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Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 7:22 pm
by CIK
Morphine -> what version of OS X are you running?

Bug reports in general: We need to know the specifics of your machine and such. Also FYI: the developers don't live in the stone age, all Mac development is being down under 10.3.x and Windows is under XP. So if you are getting 2 fps under XP or OS X there other issues at play.

On change from 1.4.x in 1.5 is the app needs more memory then in the past, by todays standards the increase is minimal, but for people running on 96/128 meg type of machines it could be a real killer.

We are working on fixes for input on both Mac & windows machines, but people who are experiencing low fps and very poor performance, we need more data from you guys to fix this. Very help for for windows folks is to run dxdiag and save the info to a text file and email it to or post it to the bug tracker.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:01 pm
by iron
I'd suggest Morphine that you did a clean install of Myth 2. It sounds like its not reading the tag files on your HD, which is why its going to CD so much.

And "umm yep" we didn't do anything with the uphill bug. The fix is there for mapmakers to activate if they wish. For ww2 the uphill bug is still there same as it always was.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 2:58 am
by ChrisP
iron wrote:And "umm yep" we didn't do anything with the uphill bug. The fix is there for mapmakers to activate if they wish. For ww2 the uphill bug is still there same as it always was.
A bug that became a feature that became a bug again when it was a fix but was really still a feature bug. :P

Hehe, can I write the version changes from now on?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:15 pm
by Morphine
Im on Panther with a duel 1.2 ghz G4 with 512mb of RAM, a Radeon 9800, so it should work. But I dont really care if i have to go to OS9.2 it takes like 10 seconds to switch operating systems and i dont really care that much about not being able to play it in OSX; evidently its going to take some screwing around with to get everything working, but I know OS9.2 better than panther so i'll probably mess around with it in there, due to the time save of doing it there.

BTW, i donno if i already posted this, but the Freezing occurs whenever I play a game that allows UT about 98% of the time now, the only games im regularly able to play are recon pat, elim, and gfgg, (i was able to play a few raid games earlier, but i havn't been able to get um working again). I assume that it has to do with the having to load from the CD with the full install every reg game, and hopefully a reinstall will work.

Thanks for your help, dont worry about screwing around with the OSX part of what you've done, because evidently im the only person with this problem, which obv means its my comp rather than you guys. Aside from the problems of getting it working, i love the patch; it actually allows me to play music and not have to alt tab every song to make it go to the next song! sooo convieniant

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:17 pm
by Morphine
Tried Reinstalling, didn't work, finely figured it out; for installing, i was following all the instructions, which was why it didn't work;

What i ended up doing to make it work:
1) Transported all files that it told me to to my myth directory; however, due to your comment about the tags, i decided not to move that one; it works now
2) put pmi blue plus pmi 1.2.1 patch in

works perfectly, and now i love 1.5

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:09 pm
by Baron LeDant


heh any ideas why \ doesn't work in myth for me now?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:32 pm
by iron
Its the pipe key |, not \. Afaik that's what its always been hasn't it?

Edited By iron on 1081823614

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:54 am
by Baron LeDant
Well in myth since the \ key fails to work, | is untypeable

Since I started playing myth online last year back in the 1.3 days, the \ key failed to work in games to detach my units.

Just curious why myth hates my \ key

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:33 pm
by iron
Check your control preferences in Myth. Perhaps you've got something else defined to use that key?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:42 pm
by umm yess
iron wrote:And "umm yep" we didn't do anything with the uphill bug. The fix is there for mapmakers to activate if they wish. For ww2 the uphill bug is still there same as it always was.

well lets' just say the units act completey idiotic. If it wasnt the ww2 bug fix, as you say, then you changed the way that units in general act, and im not for it. Don't change the gameplay that we've had for god knows how long ; \

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:19 pm
by Baron LeDant
Its not something silly like that Iron, it just doesn't work in myth now :(

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 10:17 pm
by iron
Guest wrote:
iron wrote:well lets' just say the units act completey idiotic. If it wasnt the ww2 bug fix, as you say, then you changed the way that units in general act, and im not for it.\

Actually you're right. We recieved some films showing the problem and it has been corrected for the 2nd beta. I just needed to see it in action to understand what you were talking about.

Edited By iron on 1081912889

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 10:23 pm
by iron
Baron, what operating system are you using? Detach is working fine for me on both my OSX and win2k machines...

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:48 am
by Baron LeDant
XP home

Currently I use caps lock to detach, when I tried to make \ the detach key in preferences it failed to change it (it still says caps lock) Since the \ key works fine in everything but myth I'm a little perplexed.

Oh Myth 3 has an identical problem with this for me (but I couldn't write in bold/italic before anyway)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 10:23 am
[color=DFC99B]Sorry Baron, just got up and havent read the back postings, but have you tried a fresh install then updating to 1.5 ??

I am running Win XP Home Edition and everything is working, \ or | works just fine and I have had no issues changing Key Preferences or any other preferences.[/color]