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Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:54 pm
by TheHelmet
Heh, out of curiosity, what would you want/need another difficulty level for?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:13 pm
by Tireces
Cobalt 7 wrote: Has the idea to add a 6th difficulty level ever been undertaken?
If I remember good there was a plug that added 6th difficulty level ( or maybe made "uber-leg" from legendary)

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:28 pm
by AblitERateOR
I don't see the need for 6 difficulties to be honest, 5 is plenty and more than most games have allready. If you can't get a good cross section of difficulties with 5 types then somethings not right

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:43 am
by Tireces
There are rumors that not only damage factor changes on each difficutly level. I heard that duffs bottle tends to dud more on higher difficutly levels.. is it so rly ?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:40 pm
by Baak
Tireces wrote:There are rumors that not only damage factor changes on each difficutly level. I heard that duffs bottle tends to dud more on higher difficutly levels.. is it so rly ?
No sure about that, but Stygs gain psychic powers from Heroic up. This includes telepathy, whereby the enemy knows what you're going to do in advance (unless you think one way and do the other). Tricky stuff.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:32 pm
by vinylrake
Baak wrote:
Tireces wrote:There are rumors that not only damage factor changes on each difficutly level. I heard that duffs bottle tends to dud more on higher difficutly levels.. is it so rly ?
No sure about that, but Stygs gain psychic powers from Heroic up. This includes telepathy, whereby the enemy knows what you're going to do in advance (unless you think one way and do the other). Tricky stuff.
That's why I make it a point to never think while I am playing Myth.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:50 pm
by Baron LeDant
It's also a good idea to never think when reading MWC forums!

Tir if you think it might dud more with difficulty you can easily test it yourself! Maybe I will tomorrow if I'm bored, who knows

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:16 pm
by iron
I hope it doesn't, else everyone will play on Timid from now on :)

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:52 pm
by king paris
its not by player its by monster type.

legendary zerks get raped by legendary myrks

timid zerks rape myrks on timid

try it in multiplayer

when its legendary, undead/dark units are stronger

when it's timid, light units are stronger

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:06 pm
by Myrd
No. Just units on the Light team. The unit type doesn't matter...

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:39 pm
by king paris
then how come myrks can get killed by zerks in timid ffas and myrks can get killed in legendary ffas!

sorry i think you're wrong!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:45 am
by Pyro
king paris wrote:then how come myrks can get killed by zerks in timid ffas and myrks can get killed in legendary ffas!

sorry i think you're wrong!
No, Myrd is right. It's a mapmaking thing. You can go in Fear and change a unit's allegiance from dark to light and vice versa. The way to know which units are labeled as Dark and which are labeled as Light is to look at their kill icons. The skulls are for the Dark units and the sheilds are for the Light units.

I made a test plug for this. In a mesh I placed regular berserks, regular myrks, dark berserks, and light myrks. For the dark berserks and light myrks all I changed was their allegiance and their spelling to tell them apart. I went online with someone to test and the results were the following:

On Timid:
Berserk vs Myrkridia: 0-1
Berserk vs Light Myrkridia: 0-2
Dark Berserk vs Myrkridia: 0-1
Dark Berserk vs Light Myrkridia: 1-2
Berserk vs Dark Berserk: 2-0
Myrkridia vs Light Myrkridia: 0-3

On Legendary:
Berserk vs Myrkridia: 0-2
Berserk vs Light Myrkridia: 0-1
Dark Berserk vs Myrkridia: 0-1
Dark Berserk vs Light Myrkridia: 0-2
Berserk vs Dark Berserk: 1-3
Myrkridia vs Light Myrkridia: 2-3
2 Myrks vs 2 Light Myrks: 1-0
2 Serks vs 2 Dark Serks: 1-0

So in timid it seems that the Light units (Berserks and Light Myrkridia) win almost all the time 1v1. In legendary you can see dark has an easier time killing light units.

Of course this data is very little to support the argument that allegiance rather than monster type/tag is what makes the difference. I would need to try it many more times to get a much better idea, but this sample says light beats dark in timid and dark beats light in legendary just not as easily as light did in timid.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:14 pm
by king paris
hi pyro, your explaination is exactly what i was talking about


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:49 am
by Tireces
Are you sure that Dark units have bigger chance for win in duel on legendary ?

I remember that Iwe done some tests and on legendary: warrior dark vs warrior light - they had same health level, same damage same speed, everything - same chance for victory. ( same on normal and heroic I guess )

On timid and simple light had health and speed advantage ( Dark attacked slower and did less damage per hit (or maybe light had more health dunno) )

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:41 am
by Baron LeDant
Bigger chance? You need to be more specific.

Basically on timid and simple, units with 'light' allegiance fight better, while ones with 'dark' allegiance fight worse.

On normal upto legendary, units fight the same. A Berserk vs Dark Berserk fight will be a pure 50-50. Same with Myrk vs Light Myrk.

I have no idea if Dark ranged units are affected the same way, but I think so.