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Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:08 am
by vinylrake
Elf, I don't expect non-mapmakers to even be aware of the difference between the two, to say nothing of USING the right language or caring.

That said, I don't think using incorrect language is 'lazy'. Lazy is using 'vague' language like 'you know, I really like those thingies on that map, they look really cool'.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:30 pm
by Renwood TWA
Wow... the insulting know it all additudes of some of the people on here never cease to amaze me.

Is it a 3D tree? yes, thats what the person asking the questions ment in the first place. They wanted to know if myth can have 3d trees and stuff like that. And yes it can.

Smug people need to stop sounding like know it alls.
IF you know myth stuff thats nice, give the info and dont be a smug rude mean spirited type about it.

And not having a cool feture like host to client DL's just because some people have limited bandwith. Just who are these people? i havent known anybody with limited bandwith in like 10 years, if thats the case get a differnt ISP.

There is no logic to limit 95% of the players to be able to use a cool new very usefull feature, just because everybody wont be able to join in.

If we were to follow that logic stuff like the new video card texture assignment ,wouldnt have been added. Just because SOME people can only play myth in software, so they will be missing out.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:18 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood TWA wrote:Wow... the insulting know it all additudes of some of the people on here never cease to amaze me...Smug people need to stop sounding like know it alls...dont be a smug rude mean spirited type about it.
Ren, what part of "STFU" and "Stop talking to me" don't you understand? I was not even talking to you, you egocentric, petty drama troll. Are you SO starved for attention that you have to keep sticking you head in the fire so you can scream and moan that "the fire attacked me!" ? Seriously, do you think ANYONE here believes your crap about how "you never start things"? Even the people on your own project think you are a loose cannon and refuse to come to your defense. I was NOT talking to you, so get a grip you attention whore, and use some self control.

btw, don't bitch and moan about how I started things this time. I told you the rules and you've continued to attack me - you even took your emo profanity laden grudge from these forums over onto mwc08 and attacked me there. I have actually been exercising a lot of self restraint to date, but if you keep up this bullshit of yours - attacking me when I am not even talking to you - you will find out just how fun I can be. If you think I've been an asshole up to now, I can assure you that you have seriously underestimated what I am capable of.

ps.. "you are a moron...your a total pussy bitch ass cunt faced 12 year old CS player are SUCH a fucking childish fuck, please burn in hell soon!...get the fuck off the forums and get on Mnet so i can tear you to bits in game you dirty birds you!...Next time i see you in marius ill be sure to give you a bunch of shit for being one of the WORST myth players i have ever seen, AND being a total fuckwit." -- Renwood

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:18 pm
by Renwood TWA
VR shut the fuck up. Your the biggest forum troll ive ever seen online.
And thats pretty bad GG.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:35 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood TWA wrote:VR shut the fuck up. Your the biggest forum troll ive ever seen online.
And thats pretty bad GG.
Stop the passive aggressive bullshit Ren. You attack people directly and through insinuation then you whine like a kicked puppy playing the "poor me I never start anything" card when people say anything you don't like or attack you back.

You want me to stop giving you the kind of crap you dish out? Here's my SECOND offer since you ignored the first one. If you are SERIOUS about wanting me to stop talking to you then take this offer. If you don't, your insincerity is plain for everyone to see, and we'll all know you are just trolling for attention.

Here's the offer, and I am 100% serious. STOP TALKING TO ME, STOP TALKING ABOUT ME WHEN I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU AND I WILL STOP TALKING TO YOU, AND I won't jump in when you are talking to someone else. Whether you realize it or not, that's what I've been doing since the last time we 'chatted'. I've seen lots of asinine things you've said since then that I could have jumped in and called you out on, but I used restraint and didn't say anything. I can do that again, but if I am going to do that, you have to stop your juvenile flame-baiting and insulting me when I am not even talking to you. Are you mature enough to do that? I'll be happy to go back to ignoring you, just stop talking to and about me.

Do you understand this offer? Please select which ever one of the following options best describes your feelings.

1) No I don't understand because you never make any sense

2) Yes I understand but I am not going to stop insulting you because you are an arrogant pain in the ass and I have no self control

3) Yes I understand and I think it would be best if we both stop talking to each other, so I will take you up on your offer of a truce and will refrain from further conversation with and about you, and I trust you will do the same.

4) "you are a moron...your a total pussy bitch ass cunt faced 12 year old CS player are SUCH a fucking childish fuck, please burn in hell soon!...get the fuck off the forums and get on Mnet so i can tear you to bits in game you dirty birds you!...Next time i see you in marius ill be sure to give you a bunch of shit for being one of the WORST myth players i have ever seen, AND being a total fuckwit". -- from "The Collected Sayings of Renwood"

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:46 pm
by Horus
:: Blink :: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:36 am
by killerking
Maybe you guys should get back to talking about the plugin sending in myth instead of spamming.


Re: spam!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:58 am
by vinylrake
---reply to killerking deleted in the interest of not flogging a dead horse---

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:58 am
by gugusm
Let's make another forum, just for VR and Ren :D That'll let us rest and let them flame at each other without any limitation :P :P

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:36 pm
by vinylrake
---reply to gugasm deleted in the interest of not flogging a dead horse---

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:34 pm
by GizmoHB
Is it a 3D tree? yes, thats what the person asking the questions ment in the first place. They wanted to know if myth can have 3d trees and stuff like that. And yes it can.

Smug people need to stop sounding like know it alls.
IF you know myth stuff thats nice, give the info and dont be a smug rude mean spirited type about it."
I think thats really funny, and I'm not going to explain why...

that is all...


Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:55 pm
by Pyro
At first I thought I knew what you were referring to Giz, but there can be two reasons why that quote is funny in an ironic type of way. The one I first thought about was the first part about the 3D tree. Why? Because no one asked if Myth can have 3D type of scenery. VR was the only one who mentioned it before that.
vinylrake wrote:... Given the size of the community, if I were ranking priorities, and there were as much skilled resources and time needed to implement this kind of feature, I'd put them towards converting Myth II so it used 3D scenery and unit animations (ala M3) instead.
But then I read the second paragraph of the quote you have and knew which you were referring to.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:10 pm
by GizmoHB
maybe you also read that im not going to explain why =)

Maybe I just like the word "Smug" it's close to "Smog" I've been hearing a lot about that with the China olympics and all... who knows... =)


Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:07 pm
by Renwood TWA
VR we should just focus our hate twards the likes of Kirk and liger, and all the tasteless ego filled dark players that evreybody seems to want to worship, even though they are total assholes.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:12 pm
by The Elfoid
Renwood TWA wrote:VR we should just focus our hate twards the likes of Kirk and liger, and all the tasteless ego filled dark players that evreybody seems to want to worship, even though they are total assholes.
...I didn't know anyone had any respect for them at all. Other than Paris, but he's lame.