Why are the Trow evil?

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Renwood TWA
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Post by Renwood TWA »

There are a finite number of trow, that came into existance when Nyx molded them out of clay at the dawn of the world, they arent really immortal they would just have super duper long life spans and live a really really long time.

FG's are not immortal in any way.

and is the meaning or immortal that we are using mean:
immortal guy would live forever and ever unless he got blown up at some point?

heh myth story semantics gotta love it!

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Post by oogaBooga »

Immortal to me means that there is usually a way to kill them, such as dipping their head in lava etc, but left to their own devices would never succumb to old age.

Then there's the other kind of immortal where they are impervious and invincible as well as not succumbing to age, which would make them closer to godlike than afflicted mortal in my book.

Since we all know trow are pretty easy to kill (in relative myth terms - they die in each game of If I Had a Trow, etc), they probably find it in their best interests to not display their mortality and basically keep up their scary reputation by going out and kicking people every once in a while.

My belief is that the trow who do not keep up with human affairs (and in the comic it even states they ignored the affairs of "lesser races" for a time), simply looked at the army Balor had, and then looked at the army the Legion had, and decided it was in their best interests not to get obliterated and thusly sided with balor. Not to mention the whole trow imprisonment/release thing. Also could have had an affect on their decision.

I'd say trow are akin to us as technologically advanced humans, slightly misguided in their ways and enormously pompous and greedy, but not necessarily evil. (It hints in the Comic that they felt shame for their genocide of the Callieach).
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