Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by GodzFire »

Yea bosses, how bout it?
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by juliocpaes »

GodzFire wrote:Yea bosses, how bout it?

Relax Godz,

Not need only reply the boss, can be, (all) who known about it. :wink:

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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by Melekor »

Well, I guess there's theoretically no reason why the text couldn't be embedded directly in the script. As always, the real question is, is it worth coding.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by juliocpaes »

Hi friend Mel,

thanks by reply ! :D

*is it worth coding?*
for a plugin multiplayer, i guess have no need.
however, for a plugin single-player, type "campaign." would be interesting to have this device.
Think: the work that has given?, for enter all this dialogues of a units, for example this optimal plugin "The tragedy Macbeth Act1 scene 1 / / Act2 scene2"
i guess there are lots of codifications,in "fear/loathing", perhaps us do not use them all. but they are there in hand.
how much more is better.

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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by adrenaline »

though I saw something in another thread about higher camera height in 1.8... is this true? I think this would be a GREAT addition, especially for captaining. This feature would really improve a captain's overview of the game.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by Jon God »

adrenaline wrote:though I saw something in another thread about higher camera height in 1.8... is this true? I think this would be a GREAT addition, especially for captaining. This feature would really improve a captain's overview of the game.
Because(from my understanding) that would effect stability/not be possible on older machines it would just give an advantage to people with newer computers. Not exactly something competitive players would love, I'd think.

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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by punkUser »

adrenaline wrote:though I saw something in another thread about higher camera height in 1.8... is this true? I think this would be a GREAT addition, especially for captaining. This feature would really improve a captain's overview of the game.
It's trivial to add, but it definitely changes the game. This sort of thing is a big deal in other games (dota-clones, starcraft, etc) so it needs consideration. Would need a somewhat democratic agreement from all of the relevant competitive folks to really consider it.

[Edit] I should add that it's trivial to add in 1.8 because of a lot of work that we've done on improving the modern renderers (opengl, directx 10/11). It may or may not be possible to support in the legacy renderers though (software, direct3d, 3dfx, etc).
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by vinylrake »

Doesn't the widescreen aspect ratio only "recently" supported by Myth 2 give an advantage to players who have newer hardware and bigger monitors?

Not saying the widescreen rez is a much of an advantage as the higher elevation, just wondering what your thinking is for including the one but being hesitant about adding the other. Is that one is purely optional while the other is something that would hardcoded so it isn't easy to set based on hardware or poweruser.txt file setting so could break Myth older machines unless someone knew what the cause of the problem was and how to override it? (if the latter, maybe you could make the default max height the same as it is now but allow it to be overridden via poweruser.txt setting?)
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by punkUser »

vinylrake wrote:Doesn't the widescreen aspect ratio only "recently" supported by Myth 2 give an advantage to players who have newer hardware and bigger monitors?
To some extent yes, but that one has sort of been "decided" by the industry that "the way" to do it is to fix fov_y and compute fov_x... i.e. widescreen users see more. This can get even more extreme with things like 3-panel setups, but like I said, I'm a bit more comfortable with that one since that's how all games behave, even the very competitive ones like Starcraft 2.

It also doesn't reveal nearly as much more information as I would imagine people want to see via zooming. From a 4:3 to a 16:9 monitor, you see something like 30% more stuff. I'm assuming the additional zoom being proposed here would be far more significant than that... zooming out twice as far lets you see nearly 4x more area for instance.

In any case just for fun, here's a screenshot with ~10x further observer distance than the regular maximum zoom level: Clicky

While it is neat and such, we probably don't want to allow *that* much additional zoom. For starters we'd have to optimize certain things even further to support this level of zoom on lower-end hardware (not a big deal though - we can do it if need be). More importantly as mentioned, it may not be reasonable/possible to support even any further zoom on very low-end systems that use the old renderers (especially software).

So if everyone can use OpenGL/DirectX 10/11, or those that can't don't mind being at somewhat of a disadvantage (seems unlikely), it's certainly possible. I'd still be curious on the question of how many people would actually want to allow such a change though.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by Khadrelt »

I'd support a change like that.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by adrenaline »

create a poll at the MWC forums, punkuser. probably the best place for it.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by adrenaline »

I took the liberty of posting it there myself. ... 992&page=1

Perhaps you'd be kind enough to post screenshots of lesser zoom levels? i.e 2x-5x or something? Y'know.. just to give them a clearer idea of what is possible?
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by vinylrake »

Khadrelt wrote:I'd support a change like that.
or if you want to make a crazy tournament, limit the 10x zoom to only players who are captains of teams...

serious question though. normally, if you are at a normal 'medium' height units start being visible right about the time they start showing up on the overhead (give or take), what would this do? would you see units further away or would they just blip into existence at the range the units on the ground would normally 'see' them? e.g. the hyperzoomed view would work the same way as the overhead? If the 10x doesn't let you see units any further away then you can at 1x, the advantage isn't _as_ large. It would free up a captain from having to pan all over the place, but it would be awfully nice to have...

heh... while you are at it, why not make the overhead a detachable floating window with it's own zoom in/out - that way you could tear it off and zoom in or out to your hearts content, AND when you zoom in close enough you could start seeing the 10x view of the actual units like in your screenshot... now THAT would be awesome.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by punkUser »

adrenaline wrote: Perhaps you'd be kind enough to post screenshots of lesser zoom levels? i.e 2x-5x or something? Y'know.. just to give them a clearer idea of what is possible?
Thanks, and sure I'll grab some more screenshots of those levels of zoom tonight.
vinylrake wrote: serious question though. normally, if you are at a normal 'medium' height units start being visible right about the time they start showing up on the overhead (give or take), what would this do? would you see units further away or would they just blip into existence at the range the units on the ground would normally 'see' them? e.g. the hyperzoomed view would work the same way as the overhead? If the 10x doesn't let you see units any further away then you can at 1x, the advantage isn't _as_ large.
Right, it won't increase your "fog of war" sight range or anything - units will just appear when they get close enough as they do now if you scroll away from your units' sight ranges. SO it doesn't affect anything from that point of view, just the ability of captains/whomever to get a broader overview of several points on the battlefield at once. i.e. very useful in 2-team games, probably less useful in FFA due to a far more limited unit span.
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Re: Myth 1.8 suggestions REVISITED

Post by browning »

Still curious about adding the possibility to remap the preset hotkeys. Alt-# to define group, press # to select group, and I'd personally remap the first 4 F-keys for the 4 only formations I really use. Those F-keys are only useful when you watch films, and then you could always replace F9 to F12 for that purpose. Obviously, you could just choose to remap different keys or use the current set up. Does anyone know if this would be easy to implement?
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