Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by adrenaline »

Carlinho, is there a download available for this tagset and maps yet??? Saw the vid on youtube a LONG time ago and have been very interested in playing this ever since... have you released it yet, or do you plan on releasing it soon? And is it coop or is there a multiplayer element?

edit: holy crap, just checked out your website... the units you are working on look amazing
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

thanks Adrenaline!!
unfortunately I place them on the fridge when I ran into both solo maps scripting delays, and multiplayer lagging because of the hundreds of higher res units at the same time doing melee.
so I moved into WWII high res.
but I'm coming to a finish line into WWII high res, so once I do finish that, and with 1.7.2 myth help, I'll probably solve the multiplayer lag...and that would give me energy to finish scripting...
it's been too hopefully it won't be THAT long in comparison...hehehe
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by juliocpaes »

Hello Carlinhos,

is also possible add the battle "the 300 Spartans"? :)
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by kingthrall »

Love what you have done here, Really interested for our deer members to test your maps out. Wouldnt mind a falxman barbarian group specificly Dacia and Thrace (romania and eastern europe in modern day locations). Soulblighter uses a Falx so it would be an ideal barbarian unit to implement if needed,
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

thanks man, yep I haven't done a thing in 2 or so years...hopefully I'll be able to jump on it this year
I thought of adding celts, which I have done a celt warrior, but then what I need is to script more than keep creating units...hehehe. so we'll see....
but yep, would be nice a falxman....
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by kingthrall »

well if you do a falxman. I give you a little more history that the actual Falx Weapon was a specific counter to the Roman legions.

(im not quite sure if your doing a specific historical era but the greeks were definently around alonside macadonia at the time of the rise of the roman empire).

Anyway the falx is like a spear with a curve specially designed when the Romans raised their tower shields as a wall that the falx was able to get over the shield due to its unique shape. My point being that the unit should have be a counter to Heavy armoured troops.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

yes, I'm familiarized with the dacian falxmen, it would be something like this:


the problem is not creating the unit, but that it wouldn't represent any distinctive difference to other melee units, rather than the visuals...
and that's mainly the problem I run with the plug....
it doesn't have but melee units...or archers...

but lacking the fantasy magicians, or dwarf is really hard to avoid the salad of 200 melee units fighting each other...
as in myth you can't keep formations in fighting, unless you force them to stop and don't walk, then it's not very funny watching this 200 people fighting like a mob....

but don't worry. We'll get this rolling some way or the other...when life permits...
and I count on you to test it...yes yes!!
thanks man!
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Defacto »

This, is why myth needed one of the features Bungie WANTED to add more then anything, but they never got a chance to implement it before TFL shipped:
Programmable Formations! There would also have to be some kind of dynamic function to formations where units could attack and be attacked and keep their formation. Also maybe some way to deviate from the formation a little bit, so like if a #1 guy in a formation is being attacked and the #2 guy next to him is not quite close enough to be able to counter attack to support the #1 guy, he could move from his position in the formation a little bit or deviate a certain amount for the center of the radius of his normal position in the formation (and some form of slider to say how much deviation is allowed for units from the center of the radius of their position in the formation) then when the enemy threat is gone, the #2 guy would return to the normal centered position in the formation. Sound a bit complicated? hehe. Then the fact that units in myth can not move while attacking, really limits how dynamic the fighting and battles can be. For example you can not make a really nice Phalanx of spear guys and have them move forward into the enemy and be stabbing bad guys while moving forward. This is not something that can just be added to the myth 2 engine even with source code changes (most likely). This is more like New myth engine from scratch stuff to be able to support it.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by vinylrake »

is it just me or is 'defacto' suddenly sounding really familiar?
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by juliocpaes »

vinylrake wrote:is it just me or is 'defacto' suddenly sounding really familiar?
eh eh cool. :D

it's hard for me to understand idiomatic expressions. each country can have a sense of interpretation. I do not understand, but I think it must be a regional joke. :mrgreen:
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by vinylrake »

I feel confident that if Bungie had wanted to add it "more than anything" they would have found a way. Or if it was really important to them, it would have been in their original spec of 'things that make wargames cool', it would not have been something they were trying to figure out how to add at the last minute.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Graydon »

No I'm pretty sure there's post-release documentation stating that it was on the drawing board but just never came to proper fruition. Similar to how you were going to be able to set up custom unit scripts in-game on the fly, like the ambient units such as hawks, deer, and chickens have. They just couldn't get it refined enough before shipping time, so it got cut out.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by vinylrake »

Gray, I didn't say that Bungie didn't want that kind of functionality, I know they wanted a LOT of things they weren't able to get done in time for the release ( like the scripting you mention) - ALL I was saying was that if Bungie really wanted to have that functionality "more than anything" then they would have figured out a way to include it.

again, NOT saying they didn't want it or plan it, just that they obviously didn't want it "more than anything" because it's not in the final release and other things are. If they wanted it "more than anything" then it would have been there and other things would not have been. My point is that "more than anything" is hyperbole in this case - e.g. it's not being used accurately.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Graydon »

Haha. Always a stickler for the details aren't you? I completely overlooked that aspect of the post lol.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Defacto »

Note I said, "One of"
And the AI scripting tags for units feature would have been a static thing, because it was setting up AI behaviours for units in Fear settings. It was not going to be dynamic in game. Much like how on the map where you fight Shiver, she will Auto target any satchles that are within a certain radius to her. That is to say, it would not be something you could turn on and off during gameplay.
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