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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 12:28 pm
by Kalizma
Oh while im readin the forums, has anyone mentioned heal bugs yet? ....ive seen 2 types of heal bugs so far with this patch.

1) both instances for the first heal bug were on ww2 recon while i t-clicked on the ground to get rid of my heal. Instead of my heal just dissapearing from my inventory and doing nothing, it acutally heals the enemy...and what's even more weird is that the enemy unit that it healed was about 3 times the max heal distance of a regular heal.

2)the second type of heal bug, which ive had happen to me and seen happen, is where you heal someone and the heal stops after about a half of a second and does not increase their health. (no films....i know you guys like to see films, so ill start saving bugs i see, because i KNOW they'll be more)

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:06 pm
by ChrisP
Guest wrote:2)the second type of heal bug, which ive had happen to me and seen happen, is where you heal someone and the heal stops after about a half of a second and does not increase their health. (no films....i know you guys like to see films, so ill start saving bugs i see, because i KNOW they'll be more)
Could be you're seeing something else happen, but from your description I'm guessing this one isn't a bug. If a unit flinches from a hit while being healed, the healing usually stops right there. Far as I know, this has always been the case in Myth. But yeah, without flims, there's not much Iron or the other programmers can do to analyze what's going on.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:26 pm
by iron
actually the healing stops in ww2 if you press space or move the unit. Already fixed for the next beta. I wasn't aware of the 1st problem though, thanks Kalizma.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:04 am
by Whiskey Jack
Unmitigated disaster is the only way to describe 1.5 right now.

I'm not even going to get into all the complaints about how objects and actions behave. I'm sure others have covered it.

My big concern is the video degradation. As soon as I installed 1.5, without changing settings, my frame rate on my own host went from 180fps to about 20fps or lower. By tweaking video settings I can raise it as high as 30fps, but the net result is constant lag on my own host.

The weird irony is that I lag much less on other good hosts. When I'm on a good, fast cable host my fps is 60-80, much better than on my own host. Also, people playing my host experience no lag, just me. Is this some sort of attempt to penalize people for hosting?

Switching to software mode doesn't help. Reducing screen resolution has a negligible impact.

BTW, I have a dedicated T1 connection - 1.5mps both ways. I'm on a g3/dual867 running OS 9.22.

Can this be fixed?


Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:39 am
by StoneCold
Guest wrote:My big concern is the video degradation. As soon as I installed 1.5, without changing settings, my frame rate on my own host went from 180fps to about 20fps or lower. By tweaking video settings I can raise it as high as 30fps, but the net result is constant lag on my own host.
I've also heard this from a order member today.. Only he gets severe lag in other hosts but he does verify he lags in his own host and has low FPS.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:00 am
by iron
Stone ... was your ordermate running OS9 as well?

Whiskey, sorry its running so slowly for you. With 1.4.1 through 1.4.4 generally you had a choice of Classic or Carbon apps. Which were you running back then? 1.5 is Carbon only at the moment. And I assume you're using RAVE (not 3dfx)?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:35 am
by Baak
Tested RDF on 1.5 with the four-byte sequence you mentioned Iron, so it would "load last" - this appears to work great.

But I no longer can use the "00 01 00 03" byte sequence as before to add the extra text that says "requires XYZ plugin". I can live without this, but I wanted to let you know that it appears to be one or the other.

If other plugin creators use the "requires text", then maybe the "load last" flag should be a 0x10 in the last byte so you could have either 0x10 or 0x13. Just an idea.

Was sad to see that Alt-[anychar] didn't make it into 1.5 to allow many more presets. Just last match I was thinking how annoying it is to have to double-hand the presets beyond Alt-6 (for Righties). Lefties only get 7 thru 0. :(


Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:07 am
by iron
ah, what I forgot to mention is that it'll use them as values you can add up. The "requires XYZ plugin" will now be value 04 instead of 03, and if you wanted the load order reversed you'd use 04 + 01 = 05. I don't think it works this way in the current beta, but it will in the second.

Don't worry, we'll have all this documented. :: groans at the thought ::

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:56 am
by Cyran
I don't know if anyone has mentioned these bugs or not, but I'm going to say them anyways. They might be WWII specific since that's all I really play.

1) Lots of stabbing glitches. Unit sometimes stops while trying to stab or behaves erratically. A few times my unit has charge as if to stab but then ran right past the unit and started to run away.

2) Run bugs. Sometimes my unit will continue to move even though I click to shoot. This was fixed in 1.4 but it seems to be back.

3) Units seem to shoot a lot closer now than they used to. Maybe I'm just imagining things but it seems that way to me.

4) Bullets seem to do a lot more damage. I've seen guys with orange health get killed by one bullet many different times.

5) The way bullets shoot. I think everyone agrees bullets do not shoot the same in 1.5. Stray bullets always somehow seem to hit and the worst thing I've noticed is that sometimes a bullet will shoot way off.

6) Heal bug. It seems there's a way to heal faster if you heal yourself. I think it's by pressing taunt or something. I haven't done it yet, but I've seen others do it. The lengthy time to heal yourself is an important aspect of the game's strategy. It properly leaves a lone injured unit vulnerable when he tries to heal, and it forces teammates to work together by healing each other for faster recovery.

7) RPGs disappearing. I was playing an S2 game and I picked up an rpg and when I tried to zook with it, my guy did nothing. I checked the inventory bar and saw the rpg was gone. I checked the film to make sure I actually did pick up the rpg and to confirm that it disappeared when I tried to zook, and that was the case.

That's all I can think of for now. I would like to mention another problem I've had since right click for ground attack was introduced to options. That option does not work for me and it would be nice if it did.

I'm using Myth 1.5 Beta #1 on a G4 350 MHz running Mac OS 9.2.2 and the mouse I use is a Microsoft Intellipoint Optical Mouse.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:10 am
by iron
Hey Cyran - thanks for your post, and what I desperately need are the films. Its no good everyone agreeing that xyz behaviour is a bug, but no-one sends anything to us to allow us to track it down, see if its actually buggy or not and if so ensure its fixed. Please email films to either iron(a) or ironduke(a)

I'll run through your list (very detailed, thanks)...

1) and 2) are probably related, and due to the uphill behaviour being modified in the beta. It has been corrected for the 2nd beta so there should be no worries with this.

3) I haven't heard this one before or seen evidence of it. If you think you see it happening please send me a film & let me know what to look for.

4) Again, a new one to me. If single bullets do indeed kill orange units then its definitely wrong ... film please :)

5) Yep, this one's been reported and demonstrated, and we have it taken care of.

6) Ditto with 5. Actually if you make the healed unit move or space-bar them, the healing stops. Fixed for the 2nd beta.

7) Definitely need a film of it.

In the beta we took out the right mouse click options for OS9 as it was causing some users grief, but as yourself and some others were using it ok we'll add it back in.

Again, thanks for your post, and I'm really looking forward to some replays so we can make sure these issues are corrected :)

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:52 am
by Krusader
For #7, it's happened before, not really a bug. It's when you press "T" to shoot rpg, and you click the ground, but then press "stop" immediatly. It sometimes happens.


Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:20 pm
by thief of chickens
Where do I download ww2?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:09 pm
by iron - look in the Downloads section.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:46 pm
by Creed
"6) Ditto with 5. Actually if you make the healed unit move or space-bar them, the healing stops. Fixed for the 2nd beta." - iron

you're aware that this is also the case for the "stone trow unfreezing" correct? if you're trow freezes, just move right away or hit space and it will get right back to its killing ways. ...

and yeah, ww2 bugs are quite numerous....pretty much what everyone else said...i'll save films for yahs.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:27 pm
by iron
the stoning trow thing is fixed as well.

re ww2 we're kinda running short on time. The 2nd beta will be this week, after which it'll be a quick ride to 1.5 final. I'd really like films in the next day if possible else it could be too late.