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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:43 pm
by AblitERateOR
you're right, but having mwc07 on playmyth is going to keep a lot of people there for a while.. so atleast til after then i would saywere gonna have the community divided: less people on each servers :/


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:02 am
by Point
iron wrote:Also there now seems to be a permanent bunch of people playing on mnet. There's 20 there now as I post this. I wouldn't say the switching issue's dead just yet.
the only problem with that is ... after they play a few games on marius they jump back to playmyth for the rest of the evening.... this pattern has been going on for weeks ... and most games on mariusnet it seems are organized on pmnet... people agreeing to jump on over for a few... blades said he was going to be gone 12 out of the next 20 days or something.. even if the websites gets up ... theres no guarantees it will be working ..

simply stated for the good of myth .... the blue bar in playmyth should say is open go play there and I'll leave pmnet up as a back up server ... have fun all....

mwc should be on mnet as well can orders be made easier soon so the mwc teams could register quick and easy... nothing better than a tourney to breathe a bit of life into mnet... well cash and dancing girls... but a tourney would do...

Re: servers...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:29 am
by vinylrake
Point wrote:blades said he was going to be gone 12 out of the next 20 days or something.. even if the websites gets up ... theres no guarantees it will be working ..
And of course with registration for playmyth being newly resurrected and the admin being away it's kind of iffy whether new players to Myth would be able to register for the tournament. Maybe they wouldn't participate anyways, but why automatically exclude them from the start by requiring games to be played on PlayMyth?

I think either server should be allowed for tournament matches, which server for which match could either be worked out between teams or if one team has players who can't get playmyth accounts for any reason then it should be played on mariusnet.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:05 am
by Frumius
But as dant said, the herd gave in to apathy and wants to ride pmnet to its doom. Seems pretty iffy to me, with blades saying, basically, you piss me off and I pull the plug. He gets pissed off regularly! Heh, and usually by some of the very hotheads who obsess in MWC's... scary situation for MWC, but for regular players switching is easy and nice. The air seems fresher at Mariusnet.

vr, that's your 500th post here!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:46 am
by Death's Avatar
Though not everyone that plays on Mnet is from PMnet. It has its own pretty loyal following of about 5-7 people. Then there are a few who haven't been able to register on pmnet who have just been playing there (Sivian, Rhom, Balor...all those guys). Speaking of which, I'd like to extend a big community thank you to them for sticking it out when no one else is there. Since they are there, other new players don't log on to a barren mnet. Basically we've left it to our newest members to keep new players interested. Thanks for doing it guys! Thanks also to Frum and all the hosts that try and keep something going on mnet!

Really, Blade's seems disinterested and the situation just seems pretty volatile.


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:18 am
by vinylrake
Frumius wrote:But as dant said, the herd gave in to apathy and wants to ride pmnet to its doom.
I wasn't aware that dant or a few other people here spoke for the 'herd'. As a card-carrying member of the herd, I distinctly remember NOT voting on this.
Frumius wrote:... scary situation for MWC, but for regular players switching is easy and nice. The air seems fresher at Mariusnet.
I was always quite fond of mariusnet (plus one has to give mad techie props to Connor and Marius who created a server from scratch without any code from Bungie) - I got used to playing there back in the early days and continued to play TFL there until they were offline for an extended period of time. In those olden days mariusnet seemed to have a "friendlier" atmosphere than bungienet or playmyth. Probably due to the larger % of people more concerned with rank than having fun who seemed to congregate more on playmyth/bungienet than they did on Mariusnet, but I am looking forward to many years of fun playing on the newly resurrected mariusnet, and hopefully on playmyth too.
Frumius wrote:vr, that's your 500th post here!
w00t. 501.

ps. How is it possible you have posted only 35 posts here?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:41 pm
by Pyro
vinylrake wrote:
Frumius wrote:vr, that's your 500th post here!
w00t. 501.

ps. How is it possible you have posted only 35 posts here?
Some of us don't spam. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:39 pm
by PrplPplEater
Death's Avatar wrote:It has its own pretty loyal following of about 5-7 people.
I don't know what exact numbers are as far as "regulars", but I am seeing groups of people on consistently now, and the groups are getting slightly larger each week it seems. There are actually people on there more hours per day than it is empty (unthinkable just a month ago)... quite a turnaround from what is was.

Active accounts now number 231 (18-ish new ones on "Frumius Night" alone... and easily another 15+ since). We're averaging from 4 to 8 new accounts per day.

Things have definitely changed on Mariusnet for the better.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:47 pm
by Baron LeDant
vr wrote:I wasn't aware that dant or a few other people here spoke for the 'herd'
I don't speak for them in anyway whatsoever because I do not share their views. I would much prefer everyone simply migrate to marius as that is the obvious solution.

However the possibility that people might be able to make new accounts on playmyth in the next week, meant that certain people decided playmyth was preferable.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:55 pm
by Myrd
The problem is it's still "might" - Blades has been giving promises about PMnet being resurrect for a quite a while now... with no actual progress so far...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:10 pm
by ozone
Maybe we would actually be doing Blades a favor if we played on marius.

Relieve him of the burden it seems to have become.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:09 pm
by The Elfoid
To be honest I think people will stick to However, I think it's become clear that if it went down the community would survive on MariusNet and most of it would move accross smoothly. Before this recent surge in MNet users, I had no idea if ANYONE would move accross.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:23 pm
by AblitERateOR
The issue is not with the crowd of people here, but unfortunately we just represent a small, mariusnet friendly portion of the community.

Even if the blue bar on playmyth was changed to something like "playmyth is closing in a month, move over to mariusnet", i think a large number of people wouldnt. And then theres all the inactive but not so inactive people, that come back after half a years break, find the server down, give up and go away not knowing mariusnet is alive and well.. maybe last time they were active mariusnet was down? its bound to happen

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:25 am
by RPatrick
I've just recently came around to see what is going on with Myth after all these years, so I don't know all the background factors in play here.

To an outsider, any fuss about which server to use is absolutely mind boggling. This is especially true considering that the games are not even hosted on these servers. The servers are simply a means of matching up players that want to play. They have no influence on the actual gameplay at all. I mean, how critical can one be about something that does that ? I can not imagine abandoning the game because of a change of the server used to match players. If someone wants to play Myth, just look at the games on playmyth and then look at the games on mariusnet and pick the host you want to use. Really, how hard can this be ?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:52 am
by Doobie
well, given that you can't see who is on pmnet, or what games are being played, or register a new account, or recover your old account info, I'd say it's actually near impossible for some people ;)