Problem with new models in myth ii

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Post by carlinho »

I'm trying to do a new map, solo or multiplayer.
A destroyed city, in ruins.
I created some models in meshworks that look great but somehow when I import them to the myth II engine the edges go invisible where the model parts blend, the perspectives get deformed, the textures that look great on the 3d viewer of the 3d program look like crap on myth...sigh...
any ideas?
also if anyone has models of destroyed houses, factories, brick walls, ruins, lots of pieces of concrete with wire...aka destroyed models for a destroyed city wwII type...
and wants to share to create new map, let me know...
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Post by mauglir »

Apathy does a poor job of creating texture collections. Open the collection in Amber and replace all the bitmaps with ones you have prepared and indexed yourself with Photoshop (or some other image editing program).

Your other problems could be related to a number of different things, and it's tough to explain all of them briefly in a post like this...

By invisible edges, do you mean some of the faces are blinking or clipping when you rotate Myth's camera? If that is the case, then you might need to do some trial and error work with the Closest Z and Dependencies settings. If a model's surface is not displaying at all, then you might not have a texture bitmap properly assigned.

Deformed perspectives sounds like you might be trying to place a model at some orientation other than perpendicular to the mesh grid. The virtual bounds of your model (the invisible blue cube that is drawn around the entire model in Loathing) should always be parallel to the square mesh lines, otherwise the model will get deformed or otherwise not display properly -- and it can really mess up unit pathfinding too.

If you need more help, feel free to contact me directly.
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Post by carlinho »

Thanks for the reply, please tell me where can I contact you because I sent an e-mail to the e-mail that appears in the about us info but didn't work.
Home of ANCIENT and CLASSICAL GREECE plugin on the works.
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