Is it possible to have a specific unit catch an object when it hits them in Mesh Script?
Iv scrolled through many script options but none really seem to work for it. Iv already put a script in for the unit to automatically aquire the weapon at start with "unit control pickup artifact" but I want the unit to also get the artifact back into inventory if the artifact is withen a radiuse of him.
Isnt there a way to Test a radiuse of a unit to activate an action if a certian projectile/artifact is withen a certian range and then force the unit to have the artifact back in hand?
Catching Script - can it be done?
That would require a Geometry Filter set-up to test within a radius of the unit for the given projectile type and then on success do what you want it to.
The parameters you will require off the top of my head:
cemo (monster_identifier) - the monster to test, only works for one monster or the first present monster in a list
radi (world_distance) - the radius around the unit to test
obje (field_name) - the four letter code identifying the projectile type or
proj (object_identifier) - an identifier for the exact object to look for (if there is only one present)
insi (field_name) - this determines what parameter the results are stored in, if you are giving an artifact to a unit then you will want to enter 'proj'.
resu (action_identifier) - the action to place results of the GEOM into. This will place all projectiles found into the action, I generally use an empty action specially for this purpose
_max (integer) - the maximum number of results to return (for an artifact 1 is probably best)
acos (action_identifier) - what to do on success, this would be perhaps a unit control which uses the results action to give the unit the item.
Hope some of this helps, some of the above may be a little off but you should be able to find the right parameters without much bother =)
The parameters you will require off the top of my head:
cemo (monster_identifier) - the monster to test, only works for one monster or the first present monster in a list
radi (world_distance) - the radius around the unit to test
obje (field_name) - the four letter code identifying the projectile type or
proj (object_identifier) - an identifier for the exact object to look for (if there is only one present)
insi (field_name) - this determines what parameter the results are stored in, if you are giving an artifact to a unit then you will want to enter 'proj'.
resu (action_identifier) - the action to place results of the GEOM into. This will place all projectiles found into the action, I generally use an empty action specially for this purpose
_max (integer) - the maximum number of results to return (for an artifact 1 is probably best)
acos (action_identifier) - what to do on success, this would be perhaps a unit control which uses the results action to give the unit the item.
Hope some of this helps, some of the above may be a little off but you should be able to find the right parameters without much bother =)
Well thats pretty much what Iv been trying to do. Horus had a script from a mapset that he says works like that and he sent me the script but it was pretty much the same as what Haravikk wrote.
Iv tried a few differnt scripts and all failed so far. One problem is that I cant seem to find a way for the script to target a Projectile thats not already on the map. I tried to do a test for the projectile header withen 3 units from monster but it doesnt seem to have any effect.
As far as I can tell there is no way to remove the projectile unless its already placed on the map.
Iv tried a few differnt scripts and all failed so far. One problem is that I cant seem to find a way for the script to target a Projectile thats not already on the map. I tried to do a test for the projectile header withen 3 units from monster but it doesnt seem to have any effect.
As far as I can tell there is no way to remove the projectile unless its already placed on the map.
forcing a unit to pick up something is also done in twice reborn:
Alric picks up sword at start without moving to it...
Edited By Brainbug on 1093860879
Alric picks up sword at start without moving to it...
Code: Select all
Give Alric the sword [Unit Control]
0.00, 0.00
==== Alric ====
Give Monster Artifact or Projectile
10000 (24 Alric's magic sword)
Edited By Brainbug on 1093860879
You want to delete the projectile? Giving it to the unit should work with the script I suggested, however deleting it may depends upon how you do it.
The header option in GEOM's is intended for detecting a type of projectile, regardless of it's being present to begin with or not.
Try sticking the debu flag in your GEOM to get debugging information output to your myth_log.txt, you can use this to check if the GEOM is succeeding or not. Try and have the test occur early on though or you might end up with a ton of rubbish in your log before you look at it =)
The header option in GEOM's is intended for detecting a type of projectile, regardless of it's being present to begin with or not.
Try sticking the debu flag in your GEOM to get debugging information output to your myth_log.txt, you can use this to check if the GEOM is succeeding or not. Try and have the test occur early on though or you might end up with a ton of rubbish in your log before you look at it =)