i UPDATED to 1.5 and cant start a game - here are the log files from my myth log

A forum for solving problems that might be encountered during installation, updating, or in game.
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Post by TTTMiami »

HELP I just installed Myth TFL and updated to 1.4 then 1.5 restarting after each update and this is what the file log has said
2005-12-07 18:02:30
Myth: TFL Build 264 running under Modern Windows 5.010000 ----------------------------------------------
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File inms in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 5
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 5
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 32
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File Myth_TFL.exe in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File Myth_TFL_old.exe in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3483: File readme.txt in the externals folder has invalid flags!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3483: File Readme_1.5.pdf in the externals folder has invalid flags!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File Smackw32.dll in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 5
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File unins000.dat in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File unins000.exe in the externals folder offsets are bad!
Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3483: File uninstal.log in the externals folder has invalid flags!
Using Max Resolution Size x:640 y:480

Mouse appears to have 3 buttons and 3 axes.
Using Max Resolution Size x:640 y:480

Using Max Resolution Size x:640 y:480

Using Max Resolution Size x:640 y:480
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Location: Norway

Post by Neecap »

I too have the exact same problem!
Ive tried To delete the Tag files Local, Scrap and private from my tags folder, didnt help.
I tried to copy the TAG files from the cd directcly over to the myth directory after install. Didnt work.
I experienced the same problem in the 1.4 patch.

here is my error-log:
2005-12-16 12:46:12
Myth: TFL Build 264 running under Modern Windows 5.010000 ----------------------------------------------
Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Mouse appears to have 5 buttons and 3 axes.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #1005: error #998 while setting offset to 0x6d6b9d9e from '.256:crow'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\shapes.c, line #1819: failed to bootstrap crowsbridge collection (only got #82738464 of #82738464 bytes).
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection definition postprocess failed on 'crowsbridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection reference definition postprocess failed on 'crow's bridge textures'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\geometry_definitions.c, line #429: unable to get collection reference 'crbt' for geometry crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: geometry definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\model_definitions.c, line #249: unable to get geometry 'crow' for model crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: model definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1152 y:864

Closing Myth.
-The only things you got now is jack and shit. The bad news is that jack just left town.
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:54 am
Location: Norway

Post by Neecap »

Update: It seems that its only the crows bridge map with this probem! The tutorial works like a charm, and if you spacebar click new game and choose the traitor level, it works fine!
-The only things you got now is jack and shit. The bad news is that jack just left town.
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:54 am
Location: Norway

Post by Neecap »

Another update.
Ive played trough the traitor and the siege of madrigal maps without no problems.
But as i try to play the homecoming map, it shows me the briefing and the cartoon movie, and then the screen flickers on and off, and then the "myth TFL had a problem and needs to close...ETC"
But when i try the next map, Flight from covenant, it works just fine.
Maybe its just the maps with cartoon-cutscenes that doesnt works?
-The only things you got now is jack and shit. The bad news is that jack just left town.
Posts: 1127
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

TTTMiami it looks like you got some stuff installed in the wrong places. I suggest removing TFL & then deleting the folder with what ever was left in it. Then doing a fresh full install followed by the 1.5 update.

Neecap it looks like you might have some corrupted files or something similar to that. Try doing a fresh install and do a full install. I've seen similar errors from people running from CDs that are scratched.

Post by OldSkool »

Running 1.5 on my mac and it rocks. One problem (big one) though is that it doesn't play my old saved games. I can see them in the window when I save a game from 1.5 but when I go into Continue Saved Game option, they're not listed at all, just the 1.5 games. Is there a file format difference between the the old and new saves?
Posts: 1127
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

There might be. I never tested saved games, I spent a good bit of time testing old 1.3 films, but I never considered saved games. If there is ever a 1.5.1 I'll look into fixing it. Thanks for reporting it.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:10 am
Location: Slovakia

Post by GeRony13 »

i have also problem with starting singleplayer, my log is:
2006-01-22 15:23:30
Myth: TFL Build 264 running under Modern Windows 5.010000 ----------------------------------------------
Using Max Resolution Size x:1280 y:1024

Mouse appears to have 5 buttons and 3 axes.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1280 y:1024

Using Max Resolution Size x:1280 y:1024

Using Max Resolution Size x:1280 y:1024

Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #1005: error #998 while setting offset to 0x6d6b9d9e from '.256:crow'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\shapes.c, line #1819: failed to bootstrap crowsbridge collection (only got #82738464 of #82738464 bytes).
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection definition postprocess failed on 'crowsbridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection reference definition postprocess failed on 'crow's bridge textures'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\geometry_definitions.c, line #429: unable to get collection reference 'crbt' for geometry crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: geometry definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\model_definitions.c, line #249: unable to get geometry 'crow' for model crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: model definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1280 y:1024

Closing Myth.
Hmmmm, I am Slovak player.
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