hello, new to the community, but been playing myth since i was young, and finally decided to brave the editor
ok so im taking baby steps atm,so i jus need someone to give me advice on how to make a colour map on photoshop, i have absolutly no idea how to do it, already read the info about loathing and that, but im still clueless
oh btw can i use myth ground texturs or do i have to import my own ?
You can duplicate an existing map several different ways.
You can go into Fear and duplicate the map in the mesh section, which will copy everything (maps, unit placements, map actions, etc...), or you can export whichever map (color, displacement, etc...) you want from the level you want, start a new file, re-import them (You must have a color map), and edit it from there.
And you can play a multiplayer map by hosting a game in either playmyth.net, mariusnet.com, or TCP/IP and selecting the level you want.
Thankfully you cannot ruin anything in the game by making a new map because the information is placed in the Local folder, not the Tags or Plugins folders as the game data is. Having things in the Local folder can interfer with playing Myth 2, but you only need to rename the Local folder while you're playing, and rename it back when you're map-making.
the loathing documentations has some important information as to how to create a map. I suggest you start by reading this only to understand how maps are made. There's no such thing as a pre-rendered map in myth.
do you know anyway i can download a pre rendered mesh ?
most world editors nowdays seem a lot more simpler
Try the myth graveyard or if that's too much, try browsing just the Myth II Mapmaking articles. For beginning mapmaking I would recommend the documents titled "Mapmaking for Newbies" &/or "Magellan's Quick and Dirty Guide to Myth 2 Mapmaking". Once you have absorbed that knowledge there are more advanced guides related to different aspects of mapmaking.