FEAR this! or can one?

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FEAR this! or can one?

Post by Soulytfs_1 »

One unit.
9 artifatcs.

This is the idea...
One has to pic up a weapon to be able to pic up amo for that weapon.

So this is what i had in mind...
Monster Tag(a) has no amo tag.
Monster tag (b)(c)(d..... amo tag will be linked to amo (b) and so on.

SO if you pic up the weapon(artifact)-restricted to monster (a) and monster over ride= the MOnster(B),(c) or what ever artfact it is.

But seems the over ride monster tag doesnt take the amo tag of Monster (b),(C) or what ever one its linked to, it over rides the attack and so on but not the amo that the monster that is the over ride "monster tag" is linked to.
- Hope you understand what im trying to say.

So am i doing something wrong or is this just not do-able?
If not , have any ideas that might work?

If you dont understand what im trying to do, look at PYro or ELctro from mazz, there spells are linked to artifatcs that are given to them with the artifatc/amo-PRojectile group option in monster tag but there spells use manna and not amo.

I can make all the arifacts use amo, but then it will use the amo amount of MOnster (a) and what i have is, 9 weapons and 9 amo tags.

Thx if you can help me. :twisted:
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Post by Pyro »

It's not possible the way you say. The reason only one ammo works is that the limit for objects being carried is too low. What is the limit for the ammo for each? Do you really need it to be ammo? Why not make the artifacts use charges? Or have the attacks mana based. Or perhaps if you really want it to be ammo... there MIGHT be a way. Using scripting might do it. If you still need help let me know.
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