Key not working in myth

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Baron LeDant
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Key not working in myth

Post by Baron LeDant »

Thought I'd give this another try.

My ` (tilde) key doesn't work in myth 2. Nothing appears when I hit it in lobby, or when I hit it ingame, it also does nothing when I try to assign it to a command in preferences.

It's the only key that I have this problem with. I believe it works fine on my default version of myth, and I recall it working once during one of the 1.4 versions.

I have a standard keyboard (as far as I'm aware) and tilde works in everything (including myth 3) bar myth 2.

Yes it was no big problem to assign deselect to another key at first. Since capslock was the only nearby key that didn't have a myth function, I used that. But of course nowadays its still pretty annoying to deselect unit(s) and have 20 odd selection boxes appear.

I guess if no-one can help me get my tilde key working in myth, I'd quite like the capslock 'show all friendly units health' to be assigned to another key or let the player decide which key does that action.
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Post by Myrd »

Are you on Mac or Windows? If on Windows, are you using the Classic or the Modern build?
king paris
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Post by king paris »

i use my right mouse button to deselect
hey :D
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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

Using Win XP and I installed the classic build.

Par use right click to attack ground. It's much better!
I wear a plastic ass on my bag ~ Da Cheeze
king paris
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Post by king paris »

hey :D
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change default mouse right-click after patch

Post by d4n13l »

does anyone know how to switch back to the original keyboard preferences? ... modern keyboard preferences make mouse right-click to attack on the ground ... classic make u select units and if u make them go to a position u can also make them turn with an arrow that appears there before ordering...i havent see that arrow or command on modern keyboard preferences
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Re: change default mouse right-click after patch

Post by Pyro »

d4n13l wrote:does anyone know how to switch back to the original keyboard preferences?
Yeah if you want to reset your preferences one way is to go to your "Myth II\preferences" folder and delete the "input" file. I think it is that file.
d4n13l wrote:... modern keyboard preferences make mouse right-click to attack on the ground ...
No, modern does not do that. You must have changed your prefs yourself to make them do that. Mouse right-click for ground attacking is great, why would someone not like that? It is way better than the default Ctrl mouse left-click.
d4n13l wrote:... classic make u select units and if u make them go to a position u can also make them turn with an arrow that appears there before ordering...i havent see that arrow or command on modern keyboard preferences
That is still there by default. When you select your units and you click on a location where you want them to go, do the following. Hold on that mouse left-click and drag it to the direction you want them to face once they get there. You will know this worked if you see an arrow. Just don't drag too far or it won't do it.
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