Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

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Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

We have tons of super high quality all new content coming out and it takes forever to make. (maps, units, effects, weapons, testing)

Leaving us no time to script the awesome maps we produce.
Since the most active people on our dev team are animators and map makers and all of our time is spent making other things we never get a chance to spend much time getting good at scripting or the time to implement much scripting. Some of the maps we have are mostly done in regards to scripting and just need some help to the finish line and some polish.

Im talking all new multiplayer maps and all new single player maps (COOP) with all new super high quality units, scenery and effects. along with tons of new abbillitys for units and weapons due to the updated myth 2 1.7 engine.

PLUS all your old favorite units looking thier best youve ever seen. None of them have been replaced by any of the characters in our campain, our characters are in addittion to what we have all been playing with for years, and our all new The Wind Age units are more like hero units that fight side by side with the rank and file men that make up most of the armies.

We are going to release a demo of what we have been working on for over 3 years very soon, but only if we can get some scripting help. we would have a lot more maps scripted but we focused a lot of time and effort on making advanced AI inventory scripting tags for units. Like being able to set a j man to "Auto Heal when idle and has more then 1 root left freindly units that tuant nearby and are less then 75% health"

or the abbillity to tell NPC armies where to go and what actions to take ("Guard north bridge, or block hole in SW wall")

telling a dorf to gather satchles and watch him run around and pick up nearby satchles. Gols gathering pus or satchles in AI inventory gathering behaviours.

if your interested in helping get this finished and have a demo for people to play respond on this forum and ill send you my
e mail.

Also resond to this forum post if you want to help and have scripting skills or collection making or fear skills and want to help out.

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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Zeph »

so basically you're telling us that after 3 years you still havent started scripting ?
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

did you read the post completely?

i said things are unfinsihed.
we focused a lot of scripting time an effort on advanced AI INVENTORY scripting tag SIMULATIONS. and thus that took away from other more standard and basic scripting.

please only respond to this thread if you want to help out.
thats the point of it after all.
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Graydon »

Frankly, I don't know how much help you're going to find. Those mapmakers that've been around for the past 3 years KNOW already that you guys need scripting for your project.

I'm curious about these 'scripting tag simulations' you're tlaking about.... you mean like attaching MA parameters to units in their monster tags- like ambient units? If so- as far as I'm aware, you can't make new ones and have them work.... I'd be impressed if you could prove otherwise to me.

This being said- in the process of learnign these 'advanced AI scripts' one would think you've learned all the basic tools one needs to script a map start to finish.

Basically, quit messing around with effects and get down to some hardcore scripting learning. It's not that hard to learn the more advanced stuff, and you sound like you know the basic stuff already. You'll likely get your maps scripted sooner if you commit the time to learnign scripting, rather than asking around for the next 2 or 3 more years for people that already know how to do it. Those that know are pretty heavily involved in their own projects typically.

This isn't a stab at your project, but more of a prod in the right direction: Go learn scripting!

/my 2 cents
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Pyro »

I think he means sets of scripts that have or will be added to the maps that will use these units. The same way you add a teleport script to a map with a teleporting unit.
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

thanks gray for the 2 cents..., ill get right on the learning scripting right after im done doing musical direction, production design, producing, animation direction, AI feature programming direction and testing, photoshop content creation, high def content creation of all new units, all new high def effects creation and directing, map making, map design, all new high res texture creation, weapons development implementation and testing, 1.7 engine testing, 1.7 feature poking of myrd and melekor, oak feature cordination and implementation, website development, fear work, loathing work, 2d concept art direction, learning of various 3d animation programs, story writing, posting on forums, recruiting of skilled talent and a thousand other things i do related to myth. im not the scripting programmer, that i leave to others who allready know such things. i have done it before with some sucess its just not my thing and i do far more then i have just listed. is that not enough for 1 person?

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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

yes pyro you are correct-ish. what i speak of is simluation of ai scripting tags for units. the only real difference is that they need to be applyed on a per map basis and arent contained within the units fear tags. BUT our way is better because it means you can turn certain AI tag behaviours on and OFF IN GAME. something TRUE AI scripting tags WOULDNT be able to do.

hence the term simulation
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Pyro »

Call it whatever you want, but I never implied you were using the map action part you can mess with in Fear. That does not work that way. Being able to turn it off or on does not make it any different from what I described where you have a set of script(s) you add to maps which will be used by certain units.
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

yes as we both know the scripting tags in fear are not fully implemented. doing it per map is the only way right now.

but like i said if it was in fear it wouldnt be something you can turn off and on in game anyways. untits would just come with behaviours that would allways be active.

and im sure you know that allready.
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Zeph »

Just to clarify stuff, you say a demo soon but you also say you don't have scripted maps. Just to make sure not to lie, I'd remove the soon and replace with something like 6 months. Thats about the time it takes to fully script/test 4-5 maps. Are the pregames done for the maps too ? I'm guessing you have a bunch of music, naration already and most of the in game sounds.

How many maps are planned ? You guys will definatelly need some help, but to get some you need to get people very excited about the plugin. The only way to do this is to get a public demo, show snippets (screenshots?), show us what HIGH DEF content is... words won't do anything, anyone can do this. Look at the quarantine unit, its 30 megs big, has anti-alias and motion blur. The community needs more than knife throwing warriors and super cool mage dwarves! Here's an idea, you say your advanced AI scripts are so cool, how about you put them on Willow creek for example ? We could see what picking up satchels and auto healing jman is ?
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

Zeph.... you skipped over the part where i say "Some of the maps we have are mostly done in regards to scripting and just need some help to the finish line and some polish." you must have otherwise your posts makes no sense

i think people are missing the point of this post.
im looking for help, NOT advice.

ill wait a week or so and if nobody responds about helping ill delete it later.
i didnt say the AI stuff was "soo cool" just saying its in there and it works exactly like you would imagine it does. sure i could put a video on youtube showing a dorf picking up satchles on his own, or the AI fatty healing people that ask for it in game, but if the IDEA of it does nothing for you then your not the demographic im looking for.

Zeph, yes anybody can claim anything, but ive had a team working on stuff for years....with he likes of Ooga, Road, Classic, Toxyn, and Fury just to name a few.
and we all know they can deliver. my favorite thing is people who havent even played our stuff being nitpicky about it, that just cracks me up.

its like people with a strong opinion on a movie that they have never even seen themselves. Aaaa yes the project magma forums, where nobody really helps one another and we all just keep to our own sperate projects that never get finished year after year.

go us!

The demo will be out before the end of the year. look for it late Dec
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Graydon »

Ren: I was not speaking to you specifically but you as a team. If your plate is too full, delegate the task of LEARNing TO SCRIPT. As you pointed out, you have a number of people with the skills on hand to get'r done. So do it.

Wolf Age Team: Get'r done! :)
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

yea gray good point.

Its too bad the poopy global resession really isnt helping us at all.
Some members of our dev team are looking for jobs or are bearly able to pay the bills this last year or so. Leaving people less time to do tasks they allready are good at, and even less time to learn all new things. I even lost my job because the state of Arizona is bankrupt... If i have to i will learn it at as well, and do basic things like most bungie scripting on maps thats "go here do that" missions.

at least the super complex AI scripting stuff has allready been done! ~8^)

o well myth is complicated, what ya gonna do heh?

Or maybe i will take the advice of making promotional videos to get some interest going. only problem is i dout it would get any myth scripters interested as they are pretty rare, so they ones that we do have are busy on other things.

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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by gugusm »

Hey Ren, maybe I'd be interested in providing some help and scripting some maps. Though I have no idea what stuff will I have to mess with, so can I get any beta of your project anywhere? Also, I hope that there aren't too much of the new stuff there, so I won't be confused :wink: (I like new things in Myth, but I hope that I just wouldn't have to learn everything about every unit etc. if I decided to help and you let me do it of course).

Anyway, I'd really like to help you, every new Myth campaing released is a great thing for this community and I like solos very much too, so I'm willing to do this.

So, if there's any beta available, could I take a look at it?

PS. And yeah, I know what do you mean with the Jman thing, I scripted exactly the same stuff in one of my maps (I've never released it though :wink: ). And it's really cool to see your Jman healing your wouned units 'automatically' just like you'd control him by yourself :)
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Re: Scripters and other skilled myth DEVS WANTED

Post by Renwood »

Cool beans! thanks gugusm!

Well to start with there is Land Of Despair.
Its our flagship map at this point.

I can E mail you these files or i can tell you where to get them on udogs. but they arent in 1 folder or even 1 person's folder so maybe e mail would be best.
we do have an FTP as well......or maybe ill just put them all in 1 zip folder and upload them to my udogs folder....right now! wooo. look for it in my Udogs folder in about an hour it will be called "Gugusm stuff" :::EDIT it just fnished uploading so its in there now!::: Also get "Gugusm stuff part 2 spiders and vortexs" its in my udogs folder as well now.

the newest version is LOD JG's Dtex Beta, Jod god added some really nice custom detail textures to it for us.

then you will need JmanAutoHealLOD its just Land of Despair with the AI Auto healing added to the map, so just extrack him and place him on the LOD JG's Dtex Beta version.

Then there is the satchel gathering Dwarf that Fury made us. its called:
Dwarf Satch Pickup. When you load that plugin he appears on the WIllow Creek at appears on top.
extrack him/it and place him JG's LOD as well.

We also have a AI inventory Puss gathering or satchel gathering Ghols as well.
they have been missplaced and Classic will find them and send them to me or make new ones.

there is also something called:
Spiders and vortexes if you can extrack the "wind spirit" unit from that map, its one of the spells the watcher has on that map

start with that and i will send you a detailed description of how the rest of LoD needs to be scripted. as i said its about 65% done allready with normal non ai scripting for map actions.

It would help a lot to if we could play the LoD map together so i can show you in game how things go and what needs to be added and so you can get a feeling for the gameplay on the map. BTW this map is ment to be played COOP. it could be played single player, but its a bit hard alone at full speed.

Thanks for your help Gugusm!

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