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Films go OOS 1.7.2

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:28 pm
by joecinq03
Every so often a film goes OOS while the game I played it in gave no indication of it being OOS. This only began after downloading 1.7.2

Vista x64
Phenom Quad Core
Geforce 9800

I used the directx9/10 setting, I haven't tried playing on another render to see if the OOS issue continues.


Problem was there was a bunch of folders in my Local folder besides custom formation and custom observer. Deleted them, OOS went away. Lock this thread and keep it saved so future generations may never have to suffer through film OOS again.

Re: Films go OOS 1.7.2

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:00 pm
by Melekor
Thanks for posting your solution. Locked by request.