Myth III Poll - What do people think of it?

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D M Philly

Post by D M Philly »

I just started playing Myth 3. I also just discovered Project Magma and am now getting into Myth 2 v 1.5.1, The Fallen Levels etc. Great work all.

I am a long time fan of the series, and periodically go back to replay, which is what led to finding, and buying Myth 3.

I just want to ask everyone here if they even bothered with 3, and if so what did you think? What did you like/not like? I have enjoyed it so far, but not as much as the first two.

Just want to see what others think about it.

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Post by Zappo »

I play Myth III, well , when ever there's a gathering which seems slim to none lately. I Like Myth III with the v1.3.1 patch which make gameplay fun. Myth III was crap when it first came out and most people that play know the history. I'm glad and appreciate those that made it playable and some of the maps that were made for it were kickass when you get a group to play.

: )
Last edited by Zappo on Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
>O< Zappo

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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

Myth 3 isn't played simply due to vastly inferior gameplay + annoying bugs that haven't been fixed. The last few updates have only made the gameplay worse (this isn't just my opinion but of many others who don't play anymore). The upside of the recent updates was being able to draw on the overhead map and being able to see who was in saved films, hardly important to a game with a community that has shrunk to a half dozen forum fanciers
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

The patches helped, in my view. But there's still something odd about Myth 3 I can't quite put a finger on.

One of the things that's always shat me off about it is the sound design and music. The voices all suck, the narrator sounds like he should be doing a documentary funded by Kevin Costner. The music is just *insanely* lame.

The game needs a bit of energy I think. When Cid and I had a brief fascination with playing Myth 3, my chief problem was that it just felt slow. The troops didn't look energetic enough to me - true enough, nobody looks energetic when you're walking from one end of Creep to the other, but it seems exacerbated by the Myth 3 engine.
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Post by Zeph »

Something I truely hate about Myth III is the fact that, even on solo with super ping of ZERO, your units wont be very responsive. Click somewhere and it'll take them a good 0.5s just to get your command. Go online and add the average ping and you almost get 1s lag every time you issue a command. I think its horrible. Take off animation smoothness and its better, who cares about eye candy when you cant play?

Sounds are also very annoying. Voices are good and the slashing swords seem to have been made by amateurs slashing themselves with kitchen utencils

Apart from that, if the gameplay was as smooth as other myth games, it would be a killer.... So much possibility for mapmakers, lots of models and total 3D engine. But the engine sucks so booh :(

Good work for the patch though, makes it slightly more playable
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Post by capital »

William Wallet wrote:the Myth 3 engine.
I think you put your finger on it.
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Post by Slinx »

Some of those multiplayer maps I enjoyed when we had 6-8 players on. I'm on a crap comp, but even on this things looked good.

If only we could import some of the multies, but on M2 they probably would lose what makes them good in the first place.
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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

M3 maps it would be great to see on M2

A Place to Stand
Triple Backstab
Tale of Two Cities

I'm willing to pay $0.00 for each completed map, now get going! :p
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Post by Contrai »

IMHO, the new patches didn't really add any great gameplay enhancements, if you hated MythIII 1.02, you'd hate MythIII 1.3.1 for the most part. What the new patches did was fix mostly bugs and added some visual changes to things. For instance on Gamespy, players with the wrong patch could join people's game and you wouldn't know it until the game crashed after starting.

What gameplay related things that did get changed seemed to be for the worst and not better. For one, locks while they did need tweaking were changed to the point that they were pretty much useless considering the amount of points spent for them. The units also feel more sluggish now then ever before and less responsive. I guess you could say having an overhead map now is something of a gameplay enhancement so thats a plus I suppose.

It also seems now that MythIII development is on hiatus, maybe even dead...
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