Website: Dead Reckoning
- Author Bio
- KGC Knights of The Golden Circle Founder. Interested? see me on mariusnet but space is extremely limited. Anyway If anyone wants to send me feedback on how I can make my plugins more enjoyable for you or if you just want to say "HI" :D email me at DarthRevan@DeadReckoningStudios.com
Gladiators Armageddon v2.1
This is the most current up to date version of the plugin as of Jan 8, 2018 Revan of The Nine =IX= and Souly of The Onyx Warlords presents the greatest Gladiators ever. Join the heroes on their final battle to end all battles and fight against the hordes …
Myth III Public Beta [beta]
Myth III for Myth II port is finally here.. sort of. I've decided that rather than sitting on a plugin I don't have the time or motivation to finish I'd release the last beta that was available to the playtesters. Its time to let this plugin bring some …
KGC - Gladiators: Armageddon v1.1
Major Update adds: New units New HD Re Renders New boss battles New Spells Hardcore Mode (Triggered when legendary with veterans) etc and a lot more Edit: 8/4/2015: Important balance changes make harder difficulties more manageable without the need for …
Defend The Fort v2
UPDATE: Fixed the Left Tower Added wall breaking effect. Added Heroes only mesh Reduced Rain Additional balance An Army has gathered to destroy your little hidden mountain town. Show the enemy how few can stand against many and prevail. A handful of …
The Great Journey Remastered
A re-skinning of the classic map Great Journey (2009) Brand new colormap courtesy of Souly of The Onyx Warlords. HD Detail textures created and applied by Revan Addtional Map Actions for some new gameplay elements. Numerous old bug fixes courtesy of …
Storm The Fort v3
EDIT: I replaced the Colormap with a far superior one. changed Units and number of units added new game play : STB and fixed numerous bugs hope you like it :D A quick map I made, simple colormap but the level itself is quite fun. 2 Startings points with …
Revan - TSG Detail Textures
Yet another pack to bring more visual glory to popular maps A coop player Must have and if you're a ffa/2t player, you should pick it up as well because it covers a few of those big maps :P Enjoy playing popular titles like The Seventh God, Bushido and …
Revan - Bungie Detail Textures (Revised)
EDIT: UPDATE: Changed a lot of things in mainly the M2 Campaign and Multiplayer but also tweaked TFL and TFL Multiplayer a bit. added new meshes and new textures to the tagset. This detail texture pack will cover all the M2 Maps including multiplayer …
Revan - MWC Detail Textures
Another detail texture pack that covers most common Myth World Cups mentioned by Adrenaline. Stunning visuals brought to popular Myth World Cup Maps like Caer Tamaerlin Barbarian Valley Acts of Cruelty Calm Before the Storm Hvergelmir Fosgarach Lichen …
DarthRevan Bungie Textures [beta]
This is a very High Resolution texture pack for the original myth 2 levels including the 25 campaign levels and the multiplayer netmaps. Very beautiful detail textures. Download and drop into your plugins folder and it will load. Make sure you have Detail …
KGC - Gladiators: Requiem
EDIT: There is a new version for this plugin, download Omni Patch and go get the newest version for this (version 4). Patch Link: www.deadreckoningstudios.com/patch.zip Major Changes: -Some new enemies -Hero Units Drastically reduced hp and resistance …
The Great Journey II
The Great Journey Version II With an additional 200 map actions nearing a total of 900+ Major changes include -200 additional map actions -Up to 2500 enemies -A larger more epic finale -Advanced detailed textures -Better Colormap -Biodegrading -Balance …
The Great Journey
The Great Journey is a level I literally got the idea for while drawing on a napkin when I was bored in class. Anyways... The level is an epic adventure, lead a group of regular soldiers against enemy patrols, ambushes and controlled areas. With several …
Four Seasons 2
Four Seasons beta was released along with Siege of Llancarfan plugin and heres the complete version. with Improved Textures, Landscape and Balance as well as Zooming out 4 Terrain areas. 4 Players 4 Armies Grass-Light Army Desert-Beast Army Volcano-Undead …
Siege of Llancarfan
Remake of one of my favorite Myth III levels. small mappack that includes 1 solo and 3 multiplayer levels Solo : Siege of Llancarfan Multi : Four Seasons Grassland Desert Wasteland
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