Requiem of the Dead - Final Push

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Post by GHOST® »

[color=DFC99B]Greetings all, long time, no spOOk. ;o)

Ive kinda gotten rebitten by the urge to make maps and figured I couldnt do worse than mb finish off RotD now that MII 1.5.1 fixes/developments/enhancements are finalized.

I`ve recently begun reaquainting myself with RotD and its script/tags/gameplay/pace and should be ready to redelve into fixing/tweaking things in about a week, though a couple minor things I have already found and fixed. :oO

So, basically I am gonna list the issues I recall being brought up before my going AWOL, and if anyone knows of any others I overlooked, didnt hear about, or plain just forgot about, please post them here so I can polish this puppy up and bOOt it out de door. ;o)

A: From Skrew,

Error: Array Full in shapes.c, line #752: can't add more than #64 color tables (dwarf collection).

Error: Array Full in shapes.c, line #752: can't add more than #64 color tables (dwarf collection).

this was experienced with 11 players - you indexed your duff coll to 247 colours (9 being the max amount of players in the current beta)

**** I`ll have to talk to my Amber guys about this. ;op In the meantime, Ill break out Tahoe and see what I can do on my own.

Though I am confused on the "11 player, 9 being max amount" part of your post ??

B: on a second game following the previous crash i get this:

Starting mesh "|iRequiem of the Dead|p" with 1 plugins...
Magma - Requiem of the Dead
2004-08-19 15:49:01 ### MA [mung] Insert Spawn Batches 04-06: Munging...
2004-08-19 15:49:01 ### MA [mung] Insert Spawn Batches 04-06: deactivated

****Cause; A Debug Parameter left in the Insert Spawn Batches 04-06 Map Action. Not really a bug, but makes the engine work harder than necesarry. Removed.

C: From DagorFunk

I played a game yesterday in which Blood thrall and Mithril Thrall came at the same time. Then, about two minutes later the black thrall showed up. So we had three waves of thrall, three Taken, the Watcher, and countless other bad guys after us. Needless to say we died pretty quickly. I don't know if this is part of the script, but it was pretty rediculous, especially considering we were still above 90% when the Blood thrall showed up.

D: From cov

In my eyes, the main things that need fixing are simply the oos and crashing bugs. Such as going oos when the watcher shows. As well as seemingly not being able to host with more than 9 people.

***** Crashing bugs ?? Please elaborate. Watcher OOS is likely my script, and not sure what would limit the number of players to 9, if anyone has any ideas/insights I`d appreciate to hear them. :o)

E: Hmmm, I dont have an E, but I sware there were a few more issues I needed to rectify. Anyone ??

Well, early start, gotta crash now if I am gonna get any ZZZ`s, so til next I am ressurected, GL, HF, and Die well. ;o)[/color]
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Post by William Wallet »

(it's so obvious but I'll say it anyway)

I've seen a Ghost.

There. Kick me!
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Post by Myrd »

GHOST, we should meet up on hl sometime and talk some. I fixed some of the issues that were happening with ROTD in the Myth engine for 1.5.1, and I'd like to let you know of the details. Hopefully, I can catch you on tomorrow, if not it would have to be next week.
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Post by GHOST® »

Myrd wrote:GHOST, we should meet up on hl sometime and talk some. I fixed some of the issues that were happening with ROTD in the Myth engine for 1.5.1, and I'd like to let you know of the details. Hopefully, I can catch you on tomorrow, if not it would have to be next week.
Greetings Myrd, :oD

That`d be AWESOME !! :o)

I should be on HL intermitantly(sp?) throughout the day, and more so later this evening, barring an unforseen events happening between now and then of course. ;op[/color]
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Post by GHOST® »

[color=DFC99B]OK, been talking to Myrd, and apparently 1.5.1c Has fixed many of the issues I mentioned, ie 9 players max, OOS with watcher and crashings, however Pistol Pete PMd me that he beat it on Legendary and still had oddness/OOS/crashing at the end.

Basically Im looking for any and all input at this point about bugs so I can make a concerted efforted to squash them all.

So come one, come all and let me know what all is still fOOked in RotD since 1.5.1c was released.

Thankz!! :o)[/color]
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Post by TarousZars »

14+ players Crash RoTD.
50% of the time it Freezes at end game, or causes OOS.
I've found no consistancy, but it could be as simple as some ppl having 1.5.1c and some having 1.5.1a the games we crash.

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head.
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Post by GHOST® »

TarousZars wrote:14+ players Crash RoTD.
50% of the time it Freezes at end game, or causes OOS.
I've found no consistancy, but it could be as simple as some ppl having 1.5.1c and some having 1.5.1a the games we crash.

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head.
14+ players crash the level immediately or 14+ ppl playing is when you get the Freezes/OOS at endgame, and is this only winning or losing endgame ??

After I make some script fixes, (to many Taken/Thrall waves at once, etc), I`ll try to get some games together with just 1.5.1c peeps and see what I can ferret out.

Thanks for the input, and please keep it coming. :o)

Oh, while I am here, whats peoples take on SB hacking on them if they loose a set of artillary ?? I was thinking of toning this down or mb removing/changing it altogether.[/color]
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Post by Pistol_Pete »

GHOST® wrote:Oh, while I am here, whats peoples take on SB hacking on them if they loose a set of artillary ?? I was thinking of toning this down or mb removing/changing it altogether.
I actually like that. Maybe I wouldn't have SB come if you lose both locks though. I would still have SB wipe you out if you lost all the duffs, or all of the archers. At that point, the game is only a matter of time; I think of SB coming as a non-subtle hint that you need to restart the map, if you want to win. ;)
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Post by GHOST® »

[color=DFC99B]RotD to Requiem of the Dead 081205 Omni-patch is up at HL, this should resolve overload of taken at end, the possibility of SB geting *caught* in the back 40 egg, and hopefully overcomes 14+ player OOS/crash issues.

Extra whirlwinds are basically for testing purposes and will be removed in final version, so enjoy them while they last. ;o)

Also to speed up testing, you can taunt the HGH before game on, or not if you want to test/play it without any script help. Again this will be disabled/removed in the final version, so enjoy. ;o)

GL, HF, and mb this_will_be_it.

::crosses fingers, gets ready to try to get some test games on::[/color]
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Post by Pistol_Pete »

Sounds good. I'll try to track down the omnipatcher application, and see what the upgraded plug looks like.

One thing that irked me about RotD was how the electro mage's mana ran out quickly, and it didn't recover very well. I found that the electro has to sparingly use his attacks, while the fire mage can shoot fairly consistently.
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Post by GHOST® »

One thing that irked me about RotD was how the electro mage's mana ran out quickly, and it didn't recover very well. I found that the electro has to sparingly use his attacks, while the fire mage can shoot fairly consistently.
Noted, I will compare tHere reCharge rates as well as THe damage their attaCks do and see if there was a reason I did tHat, ie balance of power attack vs speed of recovery etc.[/color]
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Post by mythplayer »

Ghost,ROTD is truely excelent fun but it really really needs 1 change really really bad.

See for me I am forced to play this (and only this)map in lower visual quality software mode because of the sheer amount of debris that build up. Without software mode if I look in the middle area where the big black patch is at about 20 mins in I will drop to 1 frame pers second. I believe some other people have this issue also.

So my wish is that you fix this so i can play with non software mode.

(great to hear you back)
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Post by Baron LeDant »

Playing without the recent update in this thread today and..

Our remaining heroes got cornered by the library by lots of mauls, I hit 't' with Mazz and a few seconds later everyone crashed to windows.

I saved the film if you want to see it, but forgot to get myth log before I got film :0
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Post by GHOST® »

Ghost,ROTD is truely excelent fun but it really really needs 1 change really really bad.

See for me I am forced to play this (and only this)map in lower visual quality software mode because of the sheer amount of debris that build up. Without software mode if I look in the middle area where the big black patch is at about 20 mins in I will drop to 1 frame pers second. I believe some other people have this issue also.

So my wish is that you fix this so i can play with non software mode.

(great to hear you back)
::wonders if mythplayer realizes the word *but* negates everything said before it ??::

J/K ! THANKS!! ;op

Hmmm, Big_black_patch ?? ::Doesnt recall this in RotD, but anyways:: Aye, RotD is very intensive on the PROJectiles Limit, (Averaging 850 to 950 out of a max 1024), and the LocalProjectileGRoups limit, (averaging 20-25, but can max out at the 96 limit at times), not to mention it can push OBJEcts up to half their limit at times, (have seen as high as 4,050 out of a max of 8,192).

Im doing what I can to bring these numbers down, (already cut a single hellfire attack from maxing out LPGRs at 96 to being able to firing all 4 in a row and never exceeding 50), and I am looking at more biodegrading, (without stuff just vanishing as_soon_as it comes to rest, but there is only so far I can go.

Know that I will continue as I always do to make my maps playable for everybody. :o)
Playing without the recent update in this thread today and..

Our remaining heroes got cornered by the library by lots of mauls, I hit 't' with Mazz and a few seconds later everyone crashed to windows.

I saved the film if you want to see it, but forgot to get myth log before I got film
Please get me the film by ULing it at HL or Emailing it to me, (should be accessible via members info iirc), The Myth log can be recreated by viewing the film, (as well as script debugging can be activated), so NP there. Thanks!! :o)

I`m wondering, are all of you playing on the latest version of Myth II ?? ie V 1.5.1c Build 261 ??

If not, I would kindly ask that you upgrade to this version as Myrd has resolved some issues that may still exist in earlier relases.[/color]
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Gleep FoG

Post by Gleep FoG »

GHOST! I should get on hl and talk to you about some of the balance issues in ROTD. Too many to list here. I wanted to get ahold of you along time ago about finishing ROTD. No one could get ahold of you so I took it upon myslef to work on the map and see what I could do. Seeing as how it was my first experience in making a map in Myth, the learning of Fear and Loathing took awhile. I must say that fear is FUN. I Wanted your permission to do a different version of ROTD and I will tell you about some of the changes to see if you approve/dissaprove of the whole idea. I could always just use them for my own map. Anyways, glad a good scripter has come back to community and I hope I can talk to you soon on Hl.
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