I dont think my point about custom ports was clear

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Post by princepawn »

What I'm trying to say is it is very hard to convince people to quit multiplayer and type in a bunch if IP numbers to play a game... and why should they have to? Why can't my preferred port number be set in preferences and alterable on-the-fly when I choose to host a game?

This is a much-needed feature. I'm sure some port must be open on our firewall (what website would scan for such an open port?) and I would like to specify this port for hosting on playmyth so that I can host...
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Until a short while this wouldn't have bothered me but yes - I agree with you again. See, I had set my router to allow one computer on the LAN to be open to the internet, and I could easily use that computer to host.
But it's gone nuts again, and I can't host no more.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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