Plugin - Valley of Despair

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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by Khadrelt »

It actually sounds pretty funny in the context it's in. I picture a bunch of corporate bigwigs sitting around a conference table with pie charts and motivational posters talking about Myth plugins.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by juliocpaes »

Khadrelt wrote:It actually sounds pretty funny in the context it's in. I picture a bunch of corporate bigwigs sitting around a conference table with pie charts and motivational posters talking about Myth plugins.
Yeah ! :lol:

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Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Film(s)??

Post by GHOST® »

Greetings fellow Mythers,

I never put out a challenge for beating VoD on Legendary as i figured after Mazzarins Demise, this shouldnt be *too* difficult to accomplish. However, I am curious to know if anyone has actually been able to beat VoD on Legendary yet?? Either the Desperate Measures, The Gauntlet, and A Bridge Too Far maps, in succession, or the full Valley of Despair CooP version??

If anyone has accomplished this, could you please upload your Films (renamed with your name added) for me to watch/review at uDogs Hotline please. >> Uploads >> User Uploads >> GHOST's uploads >> Valley of Despair Films
OR if you prefer, you can email them to me here at

I am particulary interested in Wins achieved while online, without the ability to save or slow things down with F1, though i'll happily watch films achieving a win on Legend offline as well.

There is no prize for doing this, though i do have an original unopened Myth Worlds and an original unopened, signed by Ozone & myself, Green Berets collecting dust that I might_be_willing to *award* to the submitter(s) of an exceptionally good Legendary Win Film of the FULL Valley of Despair CooP map. :o)

Good luck, have fun, and die well. ;o)

10 OCT 2012

Wins achieved while not online need to be using the
Magma - Valley of Despair plugin. I am not at all interested in wins accomplished via hacking ::edit::(extracting, untagging, disassembling, extraditing, unplugging, localizing, or whatever)::/edit:: VoD it into a local folder & giving your units Uber Health, ::as Godzfire recently did & tried to pass off as a legendary win.:: All such submitted films will be promptly deleted. ;op

ADDENDUM: CTRL_Plus or CTRL_Shift_Plus wins need not apply. That means you DR. ;op

12 OCT 2012
Last edited by GHOST® on Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by GodzFire »

Um excuse me? 'Tried to pass it off as a win'? I'm sorry Ghost but you are incorrect. Never did I ever say that this was a serious attempt at beating the plugin. Melekor asked if anyone has beaten VoD yet on Legendary, which I did using godmode via a local folder. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by DarthRevan555 »

I see no rules against using Cntrl Shift Plus.

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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by GHOST® »

GodzFire wrote:Um excuse me? 'Tried to pass it off as a win'? I'm sorry Ghost but you are incorrect. Never did I ever say that this was a serious attempt at beating the plugin. Melekor asked if anyone has beaten VoD yet on Legendary, which I did using godmode via a local folder. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ummm, excuse you is right!!
Mel asked if anyone had beaten VoD on legendary to which you stated you already had easily done so. When he asked you for a film you then UL'd an unviewable film. After he mentioned the film ERRORed out, you THEN stated your local objects folder would be needed to view it. You never once mentioned using your *godmode*. It was Mel who realized after you said your local would be needed that you had hacked it in order to win and that wasnt what Mel was interested in.

ALSO, you went on to imply the end script was broke, "destroyed a stationary TrCic and all 4 Pylons", causing me to freak for a moment until Pyro informed me you had hacked it and used your *godmode*. At this point, i added 2 & 2 together and was able to determine how you broke the script.

Please do NOT start with me, im in a very sour mood and have ZERO patience for your BS right now! If you cant take a joke about your lame attempt to pass a hack off as a legit win, then dont reply to it!!
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by GHOST® »

DarthRevan555 wrote:I see no rules against using Cntrl Shift Plus.

hehe, good point DR!! ;op

::edits post::
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Film(s)??

Post by vinylrake »

GHOST® wrote:Greetings fellow Mythers,

I never put out a challenge for beating VoD on Legendary as i figured after Mazzarins Demise, this shouldnt be *too* difficult to accomplish. However, I am curious to know if anyone has actually been able to beat VoD on Legendary yet?? Either the Desperate Measures, The Gauntlet, and A Bridge Too Far maps, in succession, or the full Valley of Despair CooP version??...

on a related note, if anyone is interested in trying this as a team i am interested. first to admit i am not the best Raid BC player out there, but i am a decent or at least passable coop player. I can't get past the first bridge solo on legendary difficulty.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Film(s)??

Post by GHOST® »

vinylrake wrote: on a related note, if anyone is interested in trying this as a team i am interested. first to admit i am not the best Raid BC player out there, but i am a decent or at least passable coop player. I can't get past the first bridge solo on legendary difficulty.
Hey ya VR, while i have had my fill of playing VoD solo, years of testing by myself, I would be more than happy to team up with others to give it a go CooPeratively. I am available most nights after 8pm EST (-5 GMT), so just hit me up if you'd like me, a 'not so great' player, to try and help in beating VoD Legendary. :o)

Have you been playing the full level or the individual levels? And is that "cant get past the first bridge" as in cant get across it or cant get to it ? ;op
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by GodzFire »

GHOST wrote:Ummm, excuse you is right!!
Mel asked if anyone had beaten VoD on legendary to which you stated you already had easily done so. When he asked you for a film you then UL'd an unviewable film. After he mentioned the film ERRORed out, you THEN stated your local objects folder would be needed to view it.
That's mostly correct. I wasn't sure if the film would work without the local as well. When he said it didn't, then I uploaded the local.
You never once mentioned using your *godmode*. It was Mel who realized after you said your local would be needed that you had hacked it in order to win and that wasnt what Mel was interested in.
Yes that's correct. He asked for a film of VoD being beat on legendary. That was one sure way I knew of how to do that.
ALSO, you went on to imply the end script was broke, "destroyed a stationary TrCic and all 4 Pylons", causing me to freak for a moment until Pyro informed me you had hacked it and used your *godmode*. At this point, i added 2 & 2 together and was able to determine how you broke the script.
No I was quite serious about that. I used the VoD-A Bridge Too Far map, and what I did was bull rushed the 4 pylons right away completely bypassing the shade. My melee ran in and kept the enemies busy until my dorfs got there and started blowing up the pylons. After that, the shade reappeared south of it, but when I had my melee attack, it just stood there while I killed it. I'm not sure if this is still possible to do off godmode (maybe timid or simple?), but it did happen to me and wanted to bring it up.
Please do NOT start with me, im in a very sour mood and have ZERO patience for your BS right now! If you cant take a joke about your lame attempt to pass a hack off as a legit win, then dont reply to it!!
Again, it's not really hacking; anyone can open the plugin up and toy around with it. Hacking implies that I got into something that shouldn't have been. I like messing around with plugins/maps sometimes to see what unexpected results I can get, and usually making units Godmode is the best way to do it.

I'm sorry if you felt insulted or angered by any of this. It wasn't intended that way to you or your plugin, (I actually think it's awesome, especially the lightning strike stuff, scared the shit out of me. The one thing I wish was done differently is that dark fog effect, I actually found myself getting a bit dizzy from it).
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by Melekor »

Beating a hax0red version of VoD on legendary != beating VoD on legendary. I'm not sure how you could seriously think otherwise.

It'd be like me saying "can I borrow a dollar?", and you saying "sure" and handing me a piece of monopoly money. "Oh, you didn't say you meant a REAL dollar". The only way that works is as a joke, but instead of admitting it was a joke, you seem to be seriously defending it as if you really fulfilled the original request with your monopoly dollar. You didn't.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by GodzFire »

Fair enough. In that case, could I get 5 monopoly dollars?
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by vinylrake »

Melekor wrote:...The only way that works is as a joke, but instead of admitting it was a joke, you seem to be seriously defending it as if you really fulfilled the original request with your monopoly dollar. You didn't.
I am not opining one way or the other whether I think this is what happened or not (though Godz doesn't strike me as someone who would hack a map and try to present it to a group of coders and mapmakers as a sincere accomplishment so maybe I am opining a little bit), but one way Godz submission of the film and his explanation could be taken at face value - without any insincerity or mal intent is if he interpreted the original request simply as Ghost wondering whether anyone had ever gotten to the end of VOD on legendary. Literally. If godz thought ghost was thinking something along the lines of "I scripted the endgame and tested it as good as I could, but I wonder if anyone has ever actually played the endgame on legendary?" then his changing the local and sending in the film was Godz just trying to help - if he thought that Ghost was literally just wondering if the endgame scripting and everything was working ok.

If that were the case he wasn't submitting the film as proof that he accomplished anything, just as a helpful "here's a film of the last level on legendary difficulty" you asked for.

If I've insulted anyone here or mischaracterized anyone's intent, that wasn't my goal so I apologize, everything here is just me guessing I have no inside info into how anyone was thinking.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by Pyro »

That would make sense VR, if Ghost had been the one who asked for the film. Melekor was the one who asked for it before Ghost decided to make a post to see if someone already had a legit victory.
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Re: Plugin - Valley of Despair

Post by vinylrake »

fortunately i never claimed to have a firm grasp on the facts.

if the film submission was a direct response to the request for a 'legit victory' then my scenario seems pretty unlikely.
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