Model animation problem

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paladin MAIK
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Model animation problem

Post by paladin MAIK »

So I created a model of gate ported in myth, but (gates are animated object) is not one fighter can not pass through them, as the land near the gate is painted in the color of "walking impassable".

What to do?
gates problem.PNG
gates problem.PNG (137.14 KiB) Viewed 3713 times
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paladin MAIK
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by paladin MAIK »

guys! if you remain silent, the beta version of "Siege of Belmont" will not see you for a long time.

This - I03 Close gates. I turned them 180 degrees in LightWave 11.6.1

As a result, the gate animation works, but units can not pass through them (even when they are open)

Help guys!
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by vinylrake »

I am not a model expert.

Why did you rotate gate in LightWave? If a model is facing the wrong way you can change the direction in Loathing as you are getting ready to set the model down.

Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to do? This is from the Loathing documentation.
Placing Models

Placing models can vary in difficulty depending on which model type you are placing. Some models are only parts that make up a whole castle, while others are all in one such as the windmill. Choose a scenery type from the drag down menu that appears when the scenery tool is selected. Move the cursor into the visual window, and you will see the yellow boundary box of the model. This box is a simple representation of the how much space the model will consume. You may also change the orientation of the model by using the left and right arrow keys. When you are ready to place the model, click in the visual window, and the model will appear per your specified location and orientation.
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by Melekor »

I think the problem is that animated models can't be rotated in loathing.

The oak model import function marks the cells as walking impassable, until oak supports model editing you would need to use another editor (vegas) to change this. Vegas is mac only so you might have to find someone to do it for you.

A better option might be to find a plugin that already has a gate rotated to the right orientation. I would be surprised if no one has created one yet.
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by Graydon »

You're just using the wrong gate dude.

Yes, there is a method to doing what you've done with lightwave, but currently it involves two 3rd party apps that only work on MacOS 9. Melekor is coding these functions into oak, but the tool you need is to define walking impassable triangles.... it looks like they're all defined as walking impassable.

I'm pretty damn sure Bungie included 2 different versions of that same town gate in the two different facing directions. instead of under 03, try just looking under gate or village gate or some such. I'm off to work, I don't have time to verify, but I'm 99% sure there's a second bungie-made gate model you can use without having to do any lightwave craziness.
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by vinylrake »

Melekor wrote:I think the problem is that animated models can't be rotated in loathing....
I missed the significant fact that it's an animated model. doh!
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paladin MAIK
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by paladin MAIK »

Hmm ...

Sadly, that Vegas is not on Windows, if there is another program similar to Vegas?

If not, then I ask the one who has to use MacOS Vegas and turn the damn gate 180 degrees!

Do not get me to find another gate. Nowhere.
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by Pyro »

paladin MAIK wrote:Do not get me to find another gate. Nowhere.
What Graydon was saying is that there may be a model of the gate you want facing the direction you want. You just need to check to see if there is, maybe there isn't. If Bungie has another model that is exactly what you want, why would anyone help you reinvent the wheel? Who knows, maybe Bungie didn't make another one, but someone has to check.
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paladin MAIK
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by paladin MAIK »

What Graydon was saying is that there may be a model of the gate you want facing the direction you want. You just need to check to see if there is, maybe there isn't. If Bungie has another model that is exactly what you want, why would anyone help you reinvent the wheel? Who knows, maybe Bungie didn't make another one, but someone has to check.
I hope you will understand me.
I need this model animation
I need this model animation
gate1.PNG (74.68 KiB) Viewed 3661 times
Not this
Not this
gate2.PNG (77.02 KiB) Viewed 3661 times
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Re: Model animation problem

Post by Graydon »

Ah. Ok, certainly isn't another model facing opposite. I see what you're after now. You want the gate to open inwards, rather than outwards.

In which case, as others have already said, you need vegas, or someone who can run it to edit your model.
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