Hey guys I had a Bowman moonwalking. He had nothing blocking his way. He just stood there walking in place. Also I have a had few times where units will walk into a tree and start walking in place. I am not sure if that is a glitch or not I cant remember it happening very much or at all before (couple years ago when I was playing regularly) but maybe I remember wrong. Also the Dwarfs seem a little more aggresive. They seem to be auto attacking more and attacking enemy a suicidal close range. Last night I had a few instances of over aggresive Dwarfs. One Dwarf had an enemy unit that was first too close to attack and second the Dwarf had a friendly unit so close they were touching between the Dwarf and the enemy and the Dwarf threw a bomb into the friendly back and self destructed. I have also had Dwarfs throwing bombs nearly straight up into the air. These things could be just the way it is and I am remembering wrong but it doesnt seem the same. I just wanted to bring this to your attention. If you want films or something I can send them.
Thanks For Your Works Guys
Moonwalking Bowman
Re: Moonwalking Bowman
Yes posting films would be helpful: just attach them to your reply on the forums. That allows us to check whether any of the suspect behaviour has changed recently (or ever). Moonwalking in place definitely sounds like something worth looking at. The rest we can check on, but I'm not aware of any changes to the gameplay that would affect dwarves/target selection/etc. in a long time.