A Deal with the Darkness

by rifthead

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My very first released plugin.

Welcome to A Deal with the Darkness, the tale of a Faustian bargain gone horribly awry (as Faustian bargains are wont to do). Collect the devil’s due as the forces of darkness, or tempt fate as a Warlock Lord and his Mercenary retinue beset by a poorly timed bought of conscience. In the tradition of the old Light vs Dark games from Myth of Old, each team is randomly assigned the dark or…not as dark, and either besieges or defends a castle. The color map is based off of Bungie’s solo level Into the Breach, with a few special modifications.

There are two variants in this plugin, one featuring several new units (all based on previous myth ones) and a tagset compatible version designed to be used with almost any alternate tagests (such as WW2 or Jinn).

It’s probably not balanced, but I hope you have as much fun with it as I’ve had.

A couple of bugs I know about (and if anyone has an idea how to fix them, I'd be much obliged):

The Warlock Lord's fireball can be absorbed if it hits something before splitting into multiple fireballs. Make sure you fire from far enough away.

Also, the fireball only splits into 3-4 fireballs, not 6 like the read me says.