B03b - “I’m out of Ammo"

by George v. Woodrow IV

Download Plugin

Hello sirs, I am submitting this plug-in “B03b - “I’m out of Ammo” for your perusal: I have created a new “peasant” unit which will (hopefully [haven’t fully gotten the knack of this]) behave like the ‘assimilated’ bobs from Marathon™. They will have to be added to any map which you want to add thrm to. I haven’t done ANYTHING other than to change its attack and its alegiance (dark).

Hopefully this will work well enough so that I will make more ‘assimilated’ units (maybe even ‘light’ versions of the dark troops) for your gaming pleasure. This Should liven up maps with peasants on them.

My e-mail address is ‘gwoodrow_4@hotmail.com’. Please send me suggestions, ideas, complaints, rants (please keep language within reason) ect. to me.

Thank you for your consideration,

George v. Woodrow IV
aka : Phoenix - (V)
    : Fenix Asher - (V)
    : Xtreme - (V)
    : Phœnix °(V)°
    : PusHead - (V)
    : Fioreth - (V)
    : (V)oneaux
    : Nothgiel - (V)
    : Kthulu °(V)°