Belgarath's If I Had A Shade..

by Aeneas

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This is the FINAL version and has all the bugs out and is complete with 2 starting locations. The Plugin can be found at the bottom of your list of maps, below Spiderweb, on unlike other plugins which appear above Gimble Also, because this is using bungie's Desert Mesh it will "say" Desert Between Your Ears but appear as If I Has A Shade....Click on the above picture to go to our Order website.This is an Official Edd map and was made by me, Aeneas/Belgarath, the Leader of Edd. This is the Desert Map with all new units and strategies! It is a loved David Eddings Order Map and I hope it brings as much joy to you as it has to Aldur, Talen, our Order and, myself. If you are a member of the David Eddings Order it is required that you download this map and unzip it for Order play.The units are: Shades (of course) which can blow up whole armies with one energon cube released using his special ability, Mahir (these are awesome)who can freeze and decay people, Trow, Hero Dwarves, Warlocks, Myrkridia, Heron Guards, and soulless.This map was created to integrate the greatly unused and overlooked Shade and Mahir. The unit combinations are flawless as the hero dwarves are easily countered by warlocks and shades. Also, the Mahir add a new aspect to trow rushing as a Mahir can freeze a unit for 30 seconds then decay him (although deay isn't very affective it also freezes units)!I hope you like this map.It is very fun and a welcome addition to my 2 other maps available at our website and on the Mill. I hope you enjoy it plz send any questions or comments to my email. You can e-mail me by clicking below.Email: Mandoralle@aol.comI appreciate all the support I recieved from other Edd members especially Elayne. Elayne really helped with the unit vs unit characteristics and the number of units to get. We first tried using pathfinders but they are way too deadly and so fell back on hero for the extra touch of finesse required to use them properly.p.s. the Review written on this map is wrong The Mahir and Shades are not switched and he refers to the Shade as a Mahir and the Mahir as Shades.