Colosseum of Games

by ZerkTamer

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This plugin contains a single netmap designed for at least 3-4 players per team.

INSTALLATION: As usual, just install into your /myth 2/plugins folder.

NEW CLASSES(Units)- Arcanist


Each of these new units has been re-designed from the ground up. Forget what you knew about the units each is modeled after, aside of course from the obvious i.e. warrior/berserker. The rest have been almost completely altered.


Arcanists model after the Fetch unit, and are considered lightning-based(no surprise there)wizards. They use the base Fetch attack however a mana cost has been added, and the damage is less consistent than that of a Wizards. This is due to an increase in range between the minimum and maximum damage per cast, much like that of lightning based Sorcerer's in Diablo 2. As a result of a higher maximum possible damage per hit compared to a Wizards Fireball, the AE effect of the spell has been reduced, making it less effective to large unit sizes. Since Arcanists are lightning-based, they take greatly reduced damage from another Arcanists attack. Arcanists start off with a faster attack speed than that of the Wizard, however as the Wizard gains experience their increase in attack speed will surpass that of the Arcanist.

Special Ability - Call of Heavens

This attack causes a surge of lightning to reign down upon the chosen target, doing massive damage to the target and to a small radius around him. It also has a secondary effect that will set the ground below the target on fire, causing even more damage. This ability will cost 7/10ths of an Arcanists mana.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Arcanist tallies, he gains a 4% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 20% at 5 kills.


Bards model after the Heron Guard unit. As a result of their limited availability, they are slightly more resistant to most damage types, however they are not invulnerable so keep a close eye on them.

Special Ability - Charm

This ability allows the Bard to convert an enemy unit into an allied unit. There is also an innate chance for all units to resist the effect, with the exception of Bards, and Paladins, who are uncharmable. This ability will use all of the Bards mana.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Bard tallies, he gains a 20% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 100% at 5 kills.


Berserkers model Berserk units from the original game(who woulda guessed?). Berserker's are fearsome, and violent, and as such, require no kills to generate maximum damage output from experience, but instead from the amount of damage they've sustained. However, due to their recklessness, they are more susceptible to damage. This "recklessness" also increases their resistance towards Charm abilities.

Special Ability - Berserk (passive)

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Berserker tallies, he gains a 25% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 125% at 5 kills.


Engineers model after the Dwarf unit. Their main attack has been pretty much unaltered, but was given a damage boost due to the increase in hp across the board to all units.

Special Ability - Barrage

This ability unleashes a barrage of ten molatov cocktails in rapid succession. As a result of their rapidity, the accuracy of each bomb has been reduced to give it more of a "carpet bomb" effect. This ability will use all of the Engineer's mana.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Engineer tallies, he gains a 10% increase in attack speed and 25% increased chance to hit, to a maximum of 50%/100% respectively, at 5 kills.


Executioners model after the Stygian Knight unit. They are the most damaging melee unit per attack, while also having the slowest attack of all units. Their axes are poison tipped, so their attacks can cause paralysis. As a result of this power, they are slow, and fairly susceptible to most damage types, except arrows. Executioners are without remorse or pity, and have a very high resistance toward confusion and charm, and other Executioner's paralysis effects.

Special Ability - Execute (passive)

The Executioner has the ability to out-right kill any target in one fell-swoop. This ability is passive, however, the Executioner must maintain combat in order to "recharge" their Execute. Every two normal melee hits gives them the ability to Execute.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Executioner tallies, he gains a 15% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 75% at 5 kills.


Monks model after the Trow unit. These units are capable of hitting 4 times in one round with their base attack. Their secondary attack is a kick that can knock enemies around and inflict heavy damage. Monks also have a high absorbtion factor, making them harder to hit in melee. As a result, they are more susceptible to most attacks, with the exception of arrows and paralysis.

Special Ability - Kick (passive)

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Monk tallies, he gains a 20% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 100% at 5 kills. This applies to both Punch and Kick.


Paladins model after the Alric unit. These protectors are your only source of healing between skirmishes. They are very tough units, capable of dishing out good damage, and being able to receive quite a bit of damage.

Special Ability - Lay on Hands

This ability will heal a single friendly unit to 100%. Using this ability will cost the Paladin 1/5th of his mana pool.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Paladin tallies, he gains a 40% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 200% at 5 kills.


Rangers model after the Bowman unit. Not much has changed except for the removal of flaming arrow.

Special Ability - Volley

Using this ability will unleash a volley of 6 arrows to reign down from the skies and onto their victims. Not very damaging for a single Ranger, but with a cluster of Ranger Volley's, you can inflict some serious damage. This ability is also intended much like that of Barrage, for large clusters of troops. The Volley ability only has 1 charge per Ranger, much like Flaming Arrow, so use it wisely.

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Ranger tallies, he gains a 20% increase in attack speed and chance to hit, to a maximum of 100% at 5 kills.


Warriors model after... the Warrior unit. The only thing that's changed is their ability to take damage.

Special Ability - None

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Warrior tallies, he gains a 40% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 200% at 5 kills.


Wizards model after the Warlock unit. The Wizard, unlike the Arcanist, is a fire-based range unit. His fireball spell has a more consistent minimum/maximum damage than that of the Arcanist, and also causes more damage to an area per blast. Since Wizards are fire-based, they take greatly reduced damage from another Wizards attack. The secondary ability, Ring of Fire, is essentially the same, however it has been given a damage boost due to the increase in hp across the board to all units. Wizards start off with a slower attack speed than that of the Arcanist, however as they gain experience their increase in attack speed will surpass that of the Arcanist.

Special Ability - Ring of Fire

Experience Gain -

For each kill the Wizard tallies, he gains a 15% increase in attack speed, to a maximum of 75% at 5 kills.


All melee units have a 5% innate chance to miss, with the exception of the Berserker, who's chaotic behavior doubles their chance to miss over other units.

All maximum ranges have been increased for the Arcanist, Engineer, Ranger, and Wizard.

All mana for units that use them are hidden from enemy players.