Giant Fighting Grounds Gold

by sillek

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Giant Fighting Grounds Gold v2

Take a handful of Myrkridian Giants and lust, bomb and dodge your way to victory.

Game Setup

  • Starting points: 4
  • Available game types: All

The number of Giants per team is determined by the selected difficulty level: - Timid: 1 Giant - Simple: 2 Giants - Normal: 3 Giants - Heroic: 4 Giants - Legendary: 5 Giants



  • If you have full mana, press your special ability key (default: T) to throw bombs at enemy Giants.
  • Bombs do the most damage hitting legs and feet.
  • You can click on an enemy Giant to throw, or Ctrl-click or Option-click (I think for Macs?) to attack the ground, potentially doing more damage than autoing.
  • Try to dodge incoming bombs.
  • Use trees and hills to your advantage.


  • If you're feeling lucky, melee attack a Giant and cross your fingers.
  • In a 1v1 situation, only one Giant will do damage and the other will stand there taking hits, unable to attack.
  • While engaged, the role of who's attacking and who's taking hits can switch randomly. Supposedly a Giant's kill count and elevation are a big factor, but this is not always the case.
  • If the fight's not going well for you, you can run away, but it might not be pretty.
  • Uneven lusts practically guarantee a quick death.