PG Dueling Pack 2

by SamTheButcher

Here is Pack 2 of the PG Dueling Packs. This one is focused on specific units or unit

combinations so that you can practice/train with specific units. It is also a lot of

fun. The Difficulty Level decides the number of units each team gets. You can play 1v1

with just a small number of units to practice better individual unit control and play

with more units as you get better. There is also enough units to play 8v8 games.

Example: Heron Guard set. You can play with 8 Heron Guard up to 64 Heron Guard. You

could do 1v1 with 8 each and be able to micro each unit you can also play 1v1 with 64

each. Which is actually a lot of fun and there are a lot of subtleties to winning that

you may not expect at first. You can practice attacking with different formations or

unit groupings etc and micro-ing up to 64 units. It could also be played 8v8 with each

Player getting 8 Heron. Fights like this can happen different ways either a series of

small fights happening simultaneously or with good team coordination the whole team

attacking together.

Units and unit counts: T=Timid/S=Simple/N=Normal/H=Heroic/L=Legendary

Bows/Dwarfs: T=3-Bows 1-Dwarf/ S=6-Bows 2-Dwarfs/ N=12-Bows 4-Dwarfs/ H=18-Bows

6-Dwarfs/ L=24-Bows 8 Dwarfs.

Bows/Fetch: T=3-Bows 1-Fetch/ S=6-Bows 2-Fetch/ N=12-Bows 4-Fetch/ H=18-Bows 6-Fetch/

L=24-Bows 8-fetch.

Bows/Ghols T=2-Bows 1-Ghol 2-Puss/ S=4-Bows 2-Ghol 4-Puss/ N=8-Bows 4-Ghol 8-Puss/

H=16-Bows 8-Ghol 16-Puss/ L=24-Bows 12-Ghol 24-Puss.

Bows/Locks T=4-Bows 1-Lock/ S=8-Bows 2-Locks/ N=16-Bows 4-Locks/ H=24-Bows 6-Locks/ L=

32-Bows 8-Locks

Bows/Warrs T=4-Bows 6-Warrs/ S=8-Bows 12-Warrs/ N=16-Bows 24-Warrs/ H=24-Bows 36-Warrs/

L=32-Bows 48-Warrs

Dwarfs/Ghols T=2-Dwarfs 2-Ghols 2-Puss/ S=4-Dwarfs 4-Ghols 4-Puss/ N=8-Dwarfs 8-Ghols

8-Puss/ H=16-Dwarfs 16-Ghols 16-Puss/ L=24-Dwarfs 24-Ghols 24-Puss

Dwarfs/Warrs T=1-Dwarf 6-Warrs/ S=2-Dwarfs 12-Warrs/ N=4-Dwarfs 24-Warrs/ H=6-Dwarfs

36-Warrs/ L=8-Dwarfs 48-Warrs

Fetch/Souls T=1-Fetch 3-Souls/ S=2-Fetch 6-Souls/ N= 4-Fetch 12-Souls/ H=6-Fetch

18-Souls/ L= 8-Fetch 24-Souls

Fetch/Stygs T=1-Fetch 6-Stygs/ S=2-Fetch 12-Stygs/ N=4-Fetch 24-Stygs/ H=6-Fetch

36-Stygs/ L=8-fetch 48-Stygs

Heron Guard T=8 HG's/ S=16 HG's/ N=24 HG's/ H=40 HG's/ L=64 HG's

Light Melee =Thrall/Warrs/Stygs/HG's T=2 each/ S=4 each/ N=8 Each/ H=12 each/ L=16 each

Locks/HG's T=1-Lock 6-HG's/ S= 2-Locks 12-HG's/ N= 4-Lock 24-HG's/ H= 6-Locks 36-HG's/

L= 8-Locks 48-HG's

Locks/Morts T=1 each/ S= 2 each/ N= 4 each/ H= 8 each/ L= 16 each

Myrks T=8/ S=16/ N=32/ H=48/ L=64

Myrks/Mauls T=3 each/ S=6 each/ N=12 each/ H=18 each/ L=24 each