Piled Higher & Deeper

by Malkavian

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This is the 1.0 release of Piled Higher & Deeper, after a weeks worth of creation and beta testing. Funny, eh? Less than a week...good things can happen when you have a g3/400 and a light week of crew workouts. This is a five-player map, which means four corners and a center start, just like the cheerful old Myth I maps that made bacon so much more interesting as someone inevitably got to decide exactly what was going to happen with that ball.

This map differs a small bit from the Bungie maps and stock units, so here's a few notes to be aware of:

  • There are three version of this map: Light, Dark, and Artillery. The Artillery version features Warlocks, Mortar Dwarves, Dwarven Heroes, Fetch, Bowmen, bre'Unor, and two untradeable Journeymen. The Dark version features Mauls, Stygian Knights, Brigands, Heron Guard Heroes, Mortar Dwarves, Wights, Soulless, Ghols and an untradeable Warlock. The Light version features Berserks, Stgyian Knights, Warriors, Thrall, Ghols, Wights, Bowmen and two untradeable Journeymen.
  • The Light and Artillery assassin targets are the Journeymen. The Dark assassin target is the Warlock.
  • The mesh is lower; this means slightly choppier rendering, but increased playability due to the wider view.
  • The Mortar Dwarf has been altered. His range is now more competitive with the Warlock, and I've turned off the 'use constant pitch' flag, which makes his close-in trajectories a little more interesting. Mortars were getting their butts kicked on the Artillery version, so I gave the little guy a fighting chance.
  • Flag Rally has eight flags, which means there is no 'home' flag for the center team. This is not a bug.
  • The 'Archer Posted' hunting targets are sometimes in range of starting positions, which means, frequently, the default units will begin attacking during trading. This is not a bug.
  • Yes, Eugene, Deer are fast.
