The Kalasian Nightmare

by Belzedar

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The Kalasian Nightmare is a 10-level solo/co-op scenario for Myth II Soulblighter.


Peace has reigned for centuries in the lands of the Stronburg Empire, although many of us fear the tension between ourselves and the Kalasians will soon end that.

The Great Kalasian Emperor Kal-Toku died recently in his sleep and with him his peaceful, prosperous nation. Since then, the new Emperess Kala-Lucia has inherited the Kalasian island empire, and contact with us has all but ceased - until now.

Kala-Lucia was once the very beautiful daughter of Kal-Toku, until she began dabbling in black magic. Some say she is now completely deranged and terribly deformed. Rumours also say that her experiments to gain dark power have been successful, but her body was almost completely destroyed. I don't think anybody has seen her for quite some time.

The question on my mind is How or where did she get all this power? I have always believed that only the great Master Wizards could harness such power, and that the Master Wizard now is Oliminus...