WW2 Willow Creek RPG unit only (WATCH UNTIL THE END)

by erikalan

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When I first told my significant other about my intention to complete the first level of WWII: The Mythical Solos using nothing but the RPG unit, she thought I was crazy. She said to me "It's 2am and I have to work tomorrow, why the hell did you wake me up?!"

I dedicate this film to her.

Okay, okay, it's nothing truly special. The purpose of this film is to showcase some damn good RPG skills and some semi-impressive maneuvering against the M2 AI. I'm not out to set records or blow minds. I had some serious fun though and I enjoy playing Myth vicariously through other Mythers' films.

If you stick with it until the end, you'll at least get a chuckle out of this recording.