WWII: Devil's Backbone

by Sublime

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This is a map I originally made roughly 8 years ago. I recently found the map and decided I would do a bit of an upgrade to it, so that's just what I did.

This is the LATEST update (August 6th, 2011) which fixes some item placements.

Here you have three different maps choices to choose from, those being as follows:


Two Teams

Four Teams

In the elimination map you can control how many soldiers your receive by changing the game difficulty.

Timid = 1 Soldier

Simple = 2 Soldiers

Normal = 3 Soldiers

Heroic = 4 Soldiers

Legendary = 5 Soldiers

With the two and four team maps you get cannons along with your soldiers.

I understand the colormap isn't extraordinary, but I have been able to add detail maps to the original cmap I did.

Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave any feedback you deem necessary!