Reviews of Dorfball
by badlands
Dorfball is brilliant. It brings back the good ol' days of elementary-school dodgeball...only messier. The wackiness of Dorfball is extrememly addicting an immensely satisfying. Kudos!
A classic map worth every megs that everyone should keep in their plugins folder. Brings back old memories of elementary school and the glorious bungie days.
Dorfball brings you fast action, teamwork and fun, fun, fun! Nothing more to say.
A must have!
DodgeBall + Drunk Dwarves = Instant WIN!
What mores need to be said? It's fast paced, crazy and fun. Be sure to get 8+ people though.
Login Name: Kingthrall Display name: drunken ~deer~
Great Pointless fun that you can spend hours playing while drunk or listening to your favourite music.
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