Reviews of In the Crypt of Arianna
by Korgath of Idiot Map Making Collective
A dumb map , but one must ask whether you are are more stupid for downloading a map expecting it not to be from a group named the idiot mapmaking collective?
Seems like you'd have to be pretty stupid indeed, "kingthrall," not to know about the many cool contributions made by the Idiot Mapmaking Collective over the years. When did you start playing Myth? Yesterday? Arianna is a lot of fun and has, like most other Idiot creations, some oddball units and other strange items. While it seems to work fine without vTFL, one problem with this map seems to be the "Anti-Camp" and "Rune" additions. Only cure seems to be removing the "Arianna's Revenge" unit with Loathing and recompiling the plug-in. Worth it, though!
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