Reviews of Mazzarin's Demise VI
by ChrisP of Project Magma
Mazz is the gem of all Myth coops. I've never beaten it, though I've tried, and I probably never will, but even getting the tar pounded out of you is fun on this map. Incredible skill went into this project.
The "Ultimate Co-op". Each Mazz tries to do more with the engine, throw more at the players, and all around make things harder. Mazz 6 comes through in spades.
There are just enough twists to keep things fresh, but it's still the same style as all the others. It's a long hard battle. You're strong, but you'll have to be careful to outlast the thrall and beat The Watcher.
To the Extreme of Intricacy as Myth can get.
And takes away popularity of other plugins.
Like "BOLO"L & "Throne of the Lich King"
Login Name: Kingthrall Display name: drunken ~deer~
Standing at the top of the hill with 20 hero units is not my idea of a great coop. For some anonymous reason this map is the most popular coop map for myth.
If you like Simple carnage and running away from a sluggish demon lord with over the top powers without a hint of plot or story then I recommend this game to you.
If you enjoy doing step by step missions and using tactics with more than 2 units that have realistic health proportions then I suggest you steer clear from this map.
This map is not my cup of tea and it tends to drive away the lesser known maps that are of higher quality due to its popularity.
Kingthrall obviously hasn't even played this solo or read the pre-game narration as there is indeed a story to this map believe it or not.
and if he and others like him can't understand the popularity of these types of maps they are part of the problem.. not giving other coops a chance. He would join a game and just bitch the entire time instead of actually trying.. but enough of that. Mazz Time!
Map is great coop because it highlights the vastness of Myths potentials. Many of those coops that Kingthrall likes to imply that are better like the various solo meshes or tsg/bushido campaign things are NOT intended for 16 player coop or even 8 players..
Who wants to play The Great Library with 16 people and only have control of 1 zerk.
Anyways This map is great for large party games and does require tactics and teamwork/planning to play.
My only complaint for this plugin is that its just soooo long. A Legendary Win can run up to 2 1/2 hours. That's just too much.
Pick up a group of friends and enjoy a night of Mazz.
It is outdated though.. wish they would release that v4.0 thing officially by now ffs.. maybe even a Mazz 7? :D
Love it or fucking hate it, everyone must admit Mazz has kept a steady trickle of additional gamers Mything for years now.
This is a coop with no backstory... none is needed. Survive and kill the final boss. That's it. That other reviewer moaning about the lack of plot has got some serious small-putz energy.
There are dedicated Mazzers. I play reg and ww2 and some other crap, too, but Mazz keeps me coming back for that good coop experience.
It's fun as hell and requires reasonable coordination.
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