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Reviews of Myth TFL 1.5 (PC)

by Project Magma


Overall, this update is very good. I recommend it to any TFL player and I hope it works well in your machine as it does on mine. The OpenGl rendereing option is specially good for people with newer video cards.

Sadly, there's one problem I've frequently seem : Incompability between Myth 1.5 patched from different prior versions, resulting in "red" games when trying to play a multiplayer game (ie. someone patchs to 1.5 from a fresh install and another one patchs from 1.3 or 1.4, resulting in "red" games.). The fix to this always resulted in both players doing a fresh install and patching to 1.5 directly.

So when using this patch, I have an advice:

Uninstall Myth TFL from your computer (and make sure to manually delete the install foldel that is left), reinstall Myth and then patch to 1.5. This always worked for me.

Oh, and thanks to the Magma guys for keeping Myth TFL updated.


Love the fact that one of my old school favorites can be back on my screen again. Easy install, patching and running on the newest of systems. Kudos to the Dev team ! My only gripe, the website link "v 1.5 - build 264" always present onscreen during the rolling demo of Myth FTL. I used to watch that and use as my screensaver for hours, and still can.. but the fullest immersion is just out of reach because that link never fades :(