Reviews of Scourge of Belial
by GHOST® of Project Magma
I prefer this one to The Woods Out Back. It feels a lot like an RPG, even though it doesn't play like one--it has a great dungeon atmosphere, and the unit sets complement it well (the reg player force is, imo, better suited to it than the pseudo-reg units in TWOB). The gameplay tends toward slow progression, with traps, puzzles and item finding all playing a major role. Virtually all of the enemy are melee, but this turns out not to be a problem. Also, the ambient Wisps are really neat, both in terms of mood and gameplay (since their death causes light damage over a large area). The only thing I dislike about Scourge of Belial is the boss battle, which is virtually unplayable and can only be overcome in one way as far as I can tell.
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