Reviews of Solo Campaign
by Sciron of Smiths of Muirthemne
Ah, excellent! I always wondered who made this.
This was one of the first plugins I ever played, and it remains one of the best. It's a great example of what a single mapper can do. The levels are set on stock Myth II multiplayer meshes, so there's nothing new there--but those are good maps, and the level design in this plugin is excellent, getting the most out of every stock mesh to create a series of levels that is a lot of fun and plays pretty coherently as a campaign in spite of the really diverse settings. Great unit sets throughout, mostly using Myth II units but always throwing in enough variety to keep things interesting. Unfortunately, most people don't seem to know about this gem--maybe because of the unfortunate naming choice.
Not to be confused with the other "Solo Campaign," which is some sort of dark scenario--either the one by Murgen or the one that swaps all the units in the Myth II levels.
really good map pack. Highly recommended
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