Reviews of The Ephor of Myrgard
by Iron of Smiths of Muirthemne
If you like ghols (or hate dwarves), you will love this plugin!
I have to say that I have never beaten it but came close to the end. Ephor of Myrgard it very difficult and you might need a lot of luck to survive when dwarven cocktails constantly rain on your troops.
Scripting and map design is well done but there is nothing really surprising.
Nevertheless it is a lot of fun to use your wide range of abilities to break through the dwarven outposts and hack the little guys into pieces. Hooray!
This is a very fun map. It features good scripting, is visually appealing, and has some interesting modifications (The "shot gun dorfs" are a pain in the butt) which combine to make this one of my favorite 3rd party solo levels.
The primary level (where the player controls the dark forces) is very difficult, but in that good balanced way where after losing I would always feel "If I had just done x a little differently" or "If only that pus packet hadn't been a dud..." I could have won.
Overall, this is a really fun map with a LOT of replay value. It's one of only a handful of individual solo maps I've spent more than a few hours trying to complete, and which I kept coming back to again and again.
This map would have gotten five stars from me if it wasnt for one thing:
You can't beat it on Legendary. Period.
First of all, when you come to the final gate and there are a buttload of flamers and archers - the archers ALL have about 4-5 pus arrows, and they fire them from right in your face (you literally have to be closer than two feet away for them to turn around and start running).
And if you DO manage to get past that, beaten and bloody and using 1/4 speed in single player, there's no way to lure the Ephor out of his hiding spot, and three lightning towers will instantly kill Fang Grinder. Not to mention, Fang Grinder is placed on a giant pile of satchels that you can't destroy beforehand (unless a flamer gets unlucky and shoots over the fence).
This map has a lot of style, and its a great concept, but for it to truly earn the five stars it's capable of, it needs to be possible to beat. If someone has beaten it on legendary, by all means give me a PM (I would REALLY like to see how you beat the end). But I dont believe such a film exists.
Ooga Booga's Review is quite awful.
In reality the whole plugin is excellent with severe random difficulty added to it with cannon balls flying and the ability to heal and capture other cannons with your shaman makes for an excellent addition.
This is one of the very few plugins I have not known anyone to beat on Legendary. That said I have come extremely close only been defeated by the ephor himself.
If you want a challenge then this is the plugin for you! Ooga saying its impossible is foolish because nothing is impossible especially since you are playing on 'legendary" what else would you expect!
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