Reviews of The Five Legends (for Myth II)
by Iron of Project Magma
my only complaint is that you don't get the soulblighter heroes. two berserk heroes instead of two heron heroes, and a dwarven mortar instead of a dwarven hero. i assume the regular mortar instead of a mortar hero is for purposes of balance but then why not just give a regular dwarf hero? or is a dwarf hero too overpowered for most levels...that might actually be it. also im at the gate of storms and still haven't seen seanchaidh. but i guess my main complaint is the zerk heroes who dont seem to have much mroe health than a regular zerk. and id rather have two herons with one root each than have to lug around a journeyman all the time. doesnt feel quite right to have all these heavy hitters and then a journeyman tagging along. still, this is a great mod overall, and im sure all the complaints ive just mentioned were in fact thought out, and were just for purposes of balance. great mod, absolutely worth downloading.
edit#1- i think i should've given this more playing time before giving it 5 stars. the dwarven mortar that you're stuck with for almost every level (some levels you'll get a mortar hero, theres a huge difference) A. doesn't even belong in the "5 legends" theme and B. is one of the most frustrating units i've ever played with. his range is atrocious, he can't shoot very far, but he also can't shoot at all if a unit gets within 15 feet of him. so unless theyre a slow moving thrall you're gonna have trouble. he can only fire satchel charges with his mortar (which makes precision placement next to impossible since theyll bounce around) and on top of all this nearly one in 4 shots will be a dud and won't explode. bottom line it's just one of the shittiest units ever. like i said before i wouldve preferred having just one dwarven hero or even just fucking jari if a hero is too overpowered. the awesome part of the "shiver" level was that each unit could hold his own and contribute. i'm constantly reloading and cursing trying to make this fuckin mortar dwarf useful on the stair of grief.
You only get "The Five Legends" half the time. Many of the levels do not have the The Five Legends but some other soldiers etc instead. Please return this plugin to The Five Legends for every level.
Willow Creek on Legendary is impossible period.
3 Zerks, 1 Jman no extra roots. +200 ghats (many come in hordes)
I bet there is someone out there who might have won at the cost of an hour or two game of running and fighting.
As others have said, not the real five legends and not even m2 legends. Stick with the tfl one, its much better
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