Bones of Feros - Battle Vault
by oogaBooga
This, along with the Tagset, is the last remnants of a potentially amazing project that never got finished, and had many of its assets (sounds, maps, units) lost at one point or another.
This is BattleVault - a dhemori underground map mainly for testing, but in and of itself isn't a bad map. A simple arena with a circular river to cross and a few boulders/hills surrounding the mostly flat arena-style center.
Instead of explaining the units beforehand, i'll let everyone see for themselves. It's a huge pity that some of the best units were lost, but a few of the meat and potatoes units that were planned for the campaign are still present.
It's not going to blow your mind, but it's definitely a great set of units on a very decent map. Forthcoming is the unit tagset.
Battlevault could definitely make some very pretty use of DTEXing if anyone wants to do it in the future. (stares at Jon God) :)
All credit goes to Gimpmask and SpliNe, the two masterminds behind the Bones of Feros project.
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