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A Light and Dark Unit Swap Plugin

This simple plugin swaps dark units for light units and vice versa, seamlessly integrating into both multiplayer and solo/co-op maps. It only switches unit tags, leaving monster tags untouched, ensuring compatibility with other plugins that modify monster tags.

Special Co-op Feature: - Alric now appears as Soulblighter, and Soulblighter takes on the appearance of Alric. - Deceiver and Shiver swap appearances, adding a fresh twist to your co-op adventures.

Unit Swaps:

Light to Dark: - Berserk (3) ↔ Stygian Knight (3) - Bowman (3) ↔ Soulless (3) - Dwarf (6) ↔ Fetch (6) - Dwarf Mortar (8) ↔ Mahir (9) - Heron Guard (3) ↔ Soulless (3) - Journeyman (6) ↔ Fetch (6) - Poacher (6) ↔ Fetch (6) - Warlock (10) ↔ Mahir (9) - Warrior (2) ↔ Brigand (2) - Trow (24) ↔ Myrk Giant (24) - Wolf (3) ↔ Wight (3) - Dwarf Hero (8) ↔ Fetch (6) - Dwarven Mortar Hero (10) ↔ Fetch (9) - Warlock Hero (12) ↔ Giant Myrk (9) - Heron Guard Hero (8) ↔ Fetch (6) - Bowmen Hero (6) ↔ Fetch (6) - Berserk Hero (6) ↔ Fetch (6)

Dark to Light: - Bre Uner (4) ↔ Berserk (3) - Brigand (2) ↔ Warrior (2) - Fetch (6) ↔ Dwarf (6) - Ghast (1) ↔ Warrior (2) - Ghol (2) ↔ Warrior (2) - Mahir (9) ↔ Warlock (10) - Maul (4) ↔ Journeyman (6) - Myrk (4) ↔ Berserk Hero (6) - Myrk Giant (24) ↔ Trow (24) - Soulless (3) ↔ Bowman (3) - Spider (1) ↔ Warrior (2) - Thrall (1) ↔ Warrior (2) - Wight (3) ↔ Wolf (3) - Stygian Knight (3) ↔ Berserk (3) - Fetch (6) ↔ Dwarf Hero (8) - Soulless (3) ↔ Bowmen (6)