Thoran's "Return to Rhianon"

by Thoran

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I had nothing to do with this plug-in. Simply releasing it for the community at large, while pointing a friendly finger at Jon God.

Thoran (Todd Huffman) is a legend in the Myth community. He started making stuff for TFL before decent editing tools existed, with most of it never seen. With the mythological Badlands outfit, he worked closely with Bungie on their Myth II release. He did the original M2 Civil War maps, and the long-beloved Sleepy Hollow mesh.

As a member of BMF in the days of official Bungie multiplayer servers, he rose to Comet level more than once.

After so much excellence given to the Myth community, he retired to the mountains. Literally.

This is one of Thoran's "unreleased" M2 projects from March 1999, and it's pining for a Jon God DTex makeover. Two meshes, day and night. Hell of a map, with one hell of a pedigree.

Let the tournaments begin, even.

As is usual with Thoran, his Read Me says little to nothing. Reckon you'll have to roll the map out and discover its strengths/weaknesses on your own.