Myth I Updates
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- 3745 - Dark Campaign TFL (Co-op)
- 3318 - WWII Solos
- 2323 - Mazzarin's Demise II
- 2171 - Deadman's Chest / Float (TFL)
- 486 - 7legends
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Highest Rated Coops (1 - 5) for Myth I
Solo campaign for Myth TFL featuring music and advanced AI scripting.
WWII Solos
"We spoke our fears to the Captain and asked what his son could know, for we would never have marched so far to be food for a carrion crow." What? Basically what this plugin is, is every "normal" solo level on myth TFL, has been converted so that instead …
Dark Campaign TFL (Co-op)
Welcome! If you are newer to Myth:The Fallen Lords you might not of heard of the Dark patch that changes ALL 25 levels of the solo missions into a Dark Campaign. Well, now you can experience all the solo missions in a whole new light... This plugin was …
Deadman's Chest / Float (TFL)
As ported to TFL, you'll find a few differences in this version compared to the original. Gameplay is as great as can be on the standard light and dark meshes ported from Myth 2, however there are also many other variants to play. One of the more popular …
Mazzarin's Demise II
After scores of enjoyable games of the original Mazzarin's Demise, we decided to try to perfect it. Version 2 includes almost 100 improvements, tweaks and surprises, most notable of which is you can now play with up to eight players. You'll have to defeat …
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