Reviews of The Camp: POW Rescue Mission
by ozone of Creation
THis is a test of the review system....
GREATEST WW2 CO_OP EVER! Yes Im being cocky...but nobody has made a better one and its been YEARS!!!!
This is one of the all time great WWII Coops. It is very hard but very fun. It has multiple reinforcements and even has a few cheats if you are having too rough a time. So if your units die in the first five minutes don't drop, the other players can most likely get to the reinforcements and you can have a second chance at it.
A truly excellent coop.
Most coops can be very fun the first few times playing them, but the great ones are fun after dozens of attempts!
The level caters well to the number of players present, a timid game will be challenging to most every single player, while harder difficulties will test even the most skilled teams.
While you only get to control soldiers (as an attacking unit), variety is certainly provided with the choice of picking up a machine gun type weapon, rpg's, flamethrower or just stock up on grenades.
I've yet to see a ww2 coop to match this.
the best ww2 coop by far, one of the best overall coops ive ever played. nice color map and a very fun mission
Usually ww2 coops are not very fun but this plugin truly makes an exception! It is very challanging but beatable and plays differently each time you try it. It is also not linear at all and offers a lot of possibilities how to beat it. Be sure to check out all paths to the prison!
A must have!
Fun map, and very challenging. The more friends playing the better. Definately a classic through and through. I'm not sure if i really like how the enemy dodge away from my grenades though. ;op
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