BaTTLeCaPS [beta]
by ozone of Project Magma
- Version:
- beta_7
- File Size:
- 28.2 MB
- Type:
- Netmaps
- Author:
- ozone
- Group:
- Project Magma
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 1283
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Beta 7 Changes
For the full summary of the plugin please read below, beginning at "What is Battle Caps?"
Each Battle Cap can control his own Support units via taunting. The support unit can either be set to "Support Attack All" or "Support GUARD Cap." To switch between your Support units' modes, switch to Support Drop in your Battle Cap's Inventory and then taunt until you see text above his head indicating which order the Support are following. Make sure to pause for a moment between taunts for orders to successfully go through.
To extend the fun I've added 5 Tanks to each team, one for each Battle Cap to drive. There are two ways to get the Tanks.
The first and best way is to get 5 kills with your Battle Cap. Once you get 5 kills your Battle Cap can use the KEY option in Inventory to "get inside" the Tank. To enter the Tank after 5 kills, you must walk to the base and stand next to the Tank that was beside you at the start of the game. Once standing beside the Tank, set your Inventory to KEY and taunt with the Battle Cap. Your Battle Cap will enter the Tank and you can drive it around and attack the enemy. While you are inside the Tank, you have the option in Inventory to EXIT, which will make the Battle Cap jump out of the Tank and allow you to control the Battle Cap again. Please note that exiting the Tank will make it uncontrollable and vulnerable to attack, but you can re-enter it if you want. If your Tank gets destroyed when the Battle Cap is inside of it, your Battle Cap will eject out of the Tank and in a few seconds he will parachute back down inside of your base.
The second way to get the tank is when your Battle Cap dies. If your Battle Cap dies and your Tank is still unused at the base, you will get control of it. In this situation, there is no exiting the Tank and once it dies you are dead for good.
- The Battle Cap that picks up the Huey object for each team can now switch between "Huey to Cap Area" and "Huey to Reload." To call the Huey to the Battle Cap's position, choose Chopper Control in Inventory and taunt with the Battle Cap. The only taunt order is "Huey to Cap." The "Huey to Reload" option can only be used once. It can be activated by hitting your special attack key (default T) while the Battle Cap is set to Chopper Control. This will send the Huey back to reload missiles and repair. Once the Huey has gone to the base, you will not be able to call it back for one minute.
What is Battle Caps?
Battle Caps supports up to 10 players as a 5 v 5 mesh. The basic premise of Battle Caps is that each player has just one unit to control, the "Battle Captain," who carries a shotgun and is used to call in and order a variety of unit groups to the battlefield via his Inventory (default key: i). What's special about this setup is that the units that parachute in can not be controlled in the same way that you would normally control units in Myth. The only way to control the units is by sending specific orders through taunting with the Team Captain's Battle Cap. With a regenerating mana pool, this allows large scale objective based combat and offers a new, exciting way to play Myth.
How to Play Battle Caps
At the start of the game each player is automatically given one Battle Captain unit. There is no need for Captains to detach units. The number of Battle Cap units on each team is always equal to the number of players on the largest team. In the case of uneven teams, the smaller team's Team Captain will get the extra unit(s). All players are responsible for summoning in troops to the battlefield, deciding what type and where to have them parachute in. The Team Captain has additional responsibility as his Battle Captain is the only one that can send specific orders to the unit groups. The main thing to remember is to keep your Battle Cap unit alive. Also on the map and at the start are various objects that can be picked up to aid the Battle Caps.
Each Battle Captain in the game has an "Inventory" (default key: i) that contains a list of unit summoning smoke grenades that can be thrown to mark a location for various types of paratroopers to land on. They also have a "KEY" for getting into the Tanks and any objects that have been picked up from the map will show in their Inventory, covered in the "Items and Drops" section. When the Battle Captain is set to None in Inventory he has increased running speed.
A full blue bar on the Battle Cap is equal to 3 grenade throws, so one throw will take away 1/3 of your mana. The blue bar will refill approximately 1 minute after all three throws have been used. The smoke grenades, when thrown, will emit a smoke signal the color of the team and summon the unit type that was selected in inventory. They will be uncontrollable with the mouse. There are 5 different types of unit groups that can be chosen in the Battle Cap's Inventory: Grunts, Assault, Snipers, Flag Grabbers, and Support. These will be covered more below in the section "Units Created by Smoke Grenades."
Team Captains Your unit is the most important in the game as it is the only unit that can send orders to troops. The primary unit will always be the unit that started nearest the gate, so make sure to remember its name. To give the troops specific orders the Team Captain must select his Battle Cap and choose in his Inventory what group of units he wants to send orders to. The Team Captain must then taunt (default key: u) with his Battle Cap to send orders to these units. When he taunts, text will briefly appear above his head to indicate what orders have been sent. To cycle between orders, pause for a moment and then taunt again. To order another group of units, switch to them in your Inventory.
Everybody Else Your job is to analyze the field and choose where and what type of units you want to summon. These choices can greatly affect the outcome of a battle. While you're not able to directly order all of the units, every Battle Cap can control his own Support units via taunting. The support unit can either be set to "Support Attack All" or "Support GUARD Cap." To switch between your Support units' modes, switch to Support Drop in your Battle Cap's Inventory and then taunt until you see text above his head indicating which order the Support are following. Make sure to pause for a moment between taunts for orders to successfully go through. You're still carrying a shotgun, so use it too!
Units Created by Smoke Grenades
These are the units and amounts per type that parachute in when you throw a smoke grenade. Please note that only the Team Captain's Battle Cap can send orders to Grunts, Assault, Snipers and Flag Grabbers. Individual players control their own Support.
These units have two orders to choose from: "Grunts Attack All" and "Grunts to Flag". When on Grunt Drop in Inventory, simply taunt to switch orders.
These units have two orders to choose from: "Assault Attack Base" and "Assault Attack All". When on Assault Drop in Inventory, simply taunt to switch orders.
The Sniper units act on their own. They will either attack all enemies or will attack enemy Battle Caps that are not within their base. If enemy Battle Cap is outside base they will attack him, otherwise these units attack all enemies.
Flag Grabbers(5)
These units act on their own. They will go to the flag area closest to where they parachute in and then guard that flag area. (Work in progress)
Items and Drops
This section describes the various items and drops that appear on the map. If the Battle Cap dies while carrying an object, the object will be dropped and can be picked up by another. Any Battle Cap can pick up any object.
Huey/Chopper Item
- Adds Chopper Control option to unit's Inventory. Mana Cost: None
This object is inside the base at start and does not require any mana to be used. The Battle Cap that picks up the Huey object will have an additional option in his Inventory, Chopper Control. He can order "Huey to Cap Area" or "Huey to Reload." To call the Huey to the Battle Cap's position, choose Chopper Control in Inventory after picking up the Huey object and taunt with the Battle Cap. The only taunt order is "Huey to Cap." The "Huey to Reload" option can only be used once and it can be activated by hitting your special attack key (default T) while the Battle Cap is set to Chopper Control. This will send the Huey back to reload missiles and repair. Once the Huey has gone to the base, you will not be able to call it back for one minute.
Howitzer Barrage Item (green)
- Adds Call for Howitzer Barrage option to unit's Inventory. Mana Cost: 1/3 blue bar
This object is inside the base at start. A ring will briefly appear on the map when the item is picked up to indicate the maximum firing range of the Howitzer. This works much like unit calls do. You choose Call for Howitzer Barrage and throw a smoke grenade to indicate where you want the Howitzer to fire upon. Your Howitzer will fire on that area for 15 seconds, doing massive amounts of damage. Be warned the Howitzer has a maximum range of 64 and wont always be able to fire on the area where you throw the smoke grenade.
AntiAircraft Item (gray)
- Adds AntiAircraft Drop option to unit's Inventory. Mana Cost: 0. Charges: 3.
This object is inside the base at start. The AntiAircraft object provides three individual AntiAircraft guns that can be dropped anywhere on the map. Once landed, the AntiAircraft will automatically fire upon enemy Hueys that are within range. Simply choose AntiAircraft Drop in Inventory and throw a smoke grenade where you want one to land.
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